BM Volume: 28     
BM Page Number: 124     
Media Title: Woolley's Catalog Cards     
Description: U2624     
Label: Card -- BM ID:194 Box:28 Page:124     
BM Archive Number: 194     

Objects: Woolley's Catalog Cards | Woolley's Catalog Cards Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
2624 (none) (none) B16461 (none)
2624A (none) (none) B15327 Brick of Ur-Engur. 2 columns. Text: To Nannar his king, Ur-engur king of Ur, has built his temple, has built the wall [transcribed inscription] of Ur. [drawing]
2624B (none) (none) B16461 Brick of Ur-Engur. 2 col. Text: "To Nannar his king, ur-engur, king of Ur, has built his temple, has built the wall of ur"
2624C (none) (none) B16530 Brick of Ur-Engur. 2 col. Text: "To Nannar his king, Ur-Engur, King of Ur has built his temple, has built the wall of Ur"
  • 4 Objects