BM Volume: 23     
BM Page Number: 204     
Media Title: Woolley's Catalog Cards     
Description: U00703     
Label: Card -- BM ID:194 Box:23 Page:204     
BM Archive Number: 194     

Objects: Woolley's Catalog Cards | Woolley's Catalog Cards Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
703 (none) (none) (none) Fragment from top of large clay cone. Ends of lines of 2nd column of Arad-Sin inscription(?)
704 (none) (none) (none) (none)
704A (none) (none) (none) [A-F] 6 fragments. Possibly belonging to Cones found here. Placed in box numbered.
704B (none) (none) (none) [A-F] 6 fragments. Possibly belonging to Cones found here. Placed in box numbered.
704C (none) (none) (none) [A-F] 6 fragments. Possibly belonging to Cones found here. Placed in box numbered.
704D (none) (none) (none) [A-F] 6 fragments. Possibly belonging to Cones found here. Placed in box numbered.
704E (none) (none) (none) [A-F] 6 fragments. Possibly belonging to Cones found here. Placed in box numbered.
704F (none) (none) (none) [A-F] 6 fragments. Possibly belonging to Cones found here. Placed in box numbered.
  • 8 Objects