Title: Ur Excavations Texts II: Archaic Texts     
Date: 1935     
Author: Burrows, E.     
Publisher: Oxford University Press     
Publication place: Oxford     


Objects: Ur Excavations Texts II: Archaic Texts | Ur Excavations Texts II: Archaic Texts Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
(none) (none) 1930,1213.583 (none) (none)
(none) (none) 1930,1213.578 (none) (none)
(none) (none) (none) (none) [Card Missing]
(none) (none) (none) (none) [Card Missing]
(none) (none) (none) (none) [Card Missing]
(none) (none) (none) (none) [Card Missing]
10110 (none) (none) (none) Tablet Accounts. archaic. receipts of oil and honey? HC 51
10111 (none) (none) (none) Tablet Accounts Archaic HC 52
10113 (none) 1930,1213.656 (none) Tablet Accounts archaic receipts and bacon fat.... HC. 54
10120 (none) 1930,1213.655 (none) Tablet Dusinan note: 2 (for?) ad-e or the major-domo HC 102
10121 (none) 1930,1213.658 (none) Tablet Small globular tablet: archaic "arad Lin-Ti(l)"
10122 (none) (none) (none) Tablet Small globular "tablet" archaic: "5 shekels weighed....... H.C. 57
10364 (none) (none) B16872 Cylinder Seal Greenish grey marble Hero: on either side a rampant bull and a rampant lion. Attributes: Crescent Moon, and star on two legged pole.
11664 (none) (none) (none) Tablet. Round, archaic accounts.
11680 31-16-630 (none) (none) Clay Seal Impressions on lamp or tablet. with geometrical design spread eagle, star, sun? (like sign UD) angular man(?) carrying pot, and other things.
11691 (none) (none) (none) Tablet. Archaic accounts.
11694 (none) (none) (none) Tablet. Fragment. Archaic accounts (large) (Su-ba-ti).
11695 (none) (none) (none) Tablet. Fragment. Small finely written archaic accounts. (Very archaic class like U. 12505 ff.)
11806C (none) (none) (none) [A-C] Gold Ornaments. 3 disks, 2 of open-work, with central rosette & rayed border, one with concentric circles of gold & lapis & red cloisonne. This formed the centre, and from their position they would seem to have been attached to the bead chain U.11807 q.v.
11808B 30-12-560 (none) (none) [A-B] Gold Pendant. Thin wire.
12380Y 30-12-3 (none) (none) Group: [A] Gold hair ribbon. [B]Wreath of gold medallions with lapis canters on a string of lapis and carnelian beads [C] Wreath of triple gold willow leaves on carnelian and lapis beads. [D] Wreath of gold beech leaves on carnelian and lapis beads. [E.1-.2] Two large gold lunate earrings. [F.1-.2] Two gold wire spiral coil hair rings. [G-I] 3 gold flowers on silver stems. [J] Silver comb with 3 inlaid flowers. [K] Necklace of gold and lapis triangles. [L] Necklace of gold and lapis tubular beads and carnelian rings (for order see field notes). [M] Necklace of large fluted ball beads gold and lapis and carnelian rings: (for order see field notes). [N] Necklace of Carnelian and gold double conoids and carnelian rings. [O] Necklace of carnelian rings, gold balls and lapis rounds. [P]Bracelet of large lapis and gold, lapis and carnelian rings. [Q-V] Six gold finger-rings, all of cable pattern between plain rims of different sizes. [W] Bracelet of 4 lapis and 4 gold. Diamond beads and carnelian rings. [X] Gold pin with lapis ball head [Type] V. [Y] Lapis cylinder seal. [Z] Silver pin with lapis head [Type] VI B.
12505 (none) (none) (none) Tablet (about half?). Accounts. Writing very early. HC 300.
12506 (none) (none) (none) Tablet. Nearly complete. Accounts. Archaic. [Annotated] HC 301.
12507 (none) 1930,1213.614 (none) Tablet. Archaic accounts. [Annotated] HC 302
12508 (none) (none) (none) Tablet. Archaic accounts. [Annotated] HC 303
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