Media Type: Monograph     
Title: Clay Figurines of Babylonia and Assyria     
Date: 1930     
Author: Elizabeth Douglas Van Buren     
Publisher: Yale University Press     


Objects: Clay Figurines of Babylonia and Assyria | Clay Figurines of Babylonia and Assyria Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
6820 (none) 1927,0527.224 (none) Faience mask. Female head? 3 holes perforated on either side. Chipped below neck. When found there was bitument filling in the eyebrows. E [drawing 1:1]
1232 (none) 1924,0920.73 (none) Terracotta relief showing 2 figures, male (right) and female (left) standing facing, each with hand upon the shoulder of the other. [drawing]
1236 (none) 1924,0920.62 (none) Terracotta relief, complete, of naked goddess with hands resting under the breasts and apparently some kind of wrap round the shoulders. Drab clay. [drawing]
1275 (none) 1924,0920.175 (none) Clay Frog. Light drab clay (with traces of green glaze underneath) pierced for suspension. Like U.1273 [drawing 1:1]
1257 (none) 1924,0920.124 (none) Clay model of wheel; light buff color.
1290 (none) 1924,0920.124 (none) Clay wheel. Drab clay, with foliated edge; pierced through central boss. [drawing 1:1]
1581 (none) 1924,0920.115 (none) Chair. Drab clay: moulded. With herring-bone pattern on seat, and 2 birds facing each other, with branches of tree; the back broken and legs broken off.
1366 (none) 1924,0920.109 (none) Figurine. Fragment, lower part only. Drab clay: moulded. Female wearing skirt, walking right to left.
915 (none) 1923,1110.97 (none) Clay relief. Goddess seated on a chair: flounced skirt, horned headdress, 2 pegs behind to make it stand up. [drawing]
777 (none) 1923,1110.112 (none) Terracotta mask fr. of. in pinkish-drab clay. [drawing 1:1]
809 (none) 1923,1110.107 (none) Terracotta relief. Moulded Woman suckling a child. In whitish drab clay. Poor work, proportions bad: surface weathered. [drawing 1:1]
1227 (none) (none) B15648 Upper part of a large terracotta relief; a female-headed figure holds before its waist a kind of tray on which stand 2 small human (female)? Figures and 2 uncertain objects lie horizontally before them. Lower part of the relief missing. P. [drawing]
1216 (none) (none) B15636 Small terracotta moulded relief, the lower end bent forward. Female figure possibly goddess, with elaborate headdress, wearing long flounced robe, hands clasped at waist. [drawing]
8556 (none) (none) B17205 Terra cotta relief A god, head full face, body profile left, seated on a ram. Flat rimmed cap, beard elaborately curled: right hand extended open, left holding whip: long open cloak to ankles. Fine example. [drawing 1:1]
3064A (none) (none) (none) [A-D] Terracotta chariot-wheels. Drab ware, detached from cars. (C) Somewhat broken.
3064B (none) (none) B16250 [A-D] Terracotta chariot-wheels. Drab ware, detached from cars. (C) Somewhat broken.
3064C 31-16-728 (none) (none) [A-D] Terracotta chariot-wheels. Drab ware, detached from cars. (C) Somewhat broken.
3064D (none) (none) B16250 [A-D] Terracotta chariot-wheels. Drab ware, detached from cars. (C) Somewhat broken.
3197 33-35-256 (none) (none) Child's rattle. Terracotta: drab.
6915 (none) (none) B16256 Terracotta statuette. Female: full face, dressed in close fitting skirt and holding a high-necked vase against waist in left hand, Right arm bent at elbow and slightly upraised. Skirt which is close fitting is embroidered at the bottom and tasseled down right side. Short sleeves reaching elbows only. Female wears necklace, short hair done up in clusters at sides. E. [drawing 1:1]
3252 (none) (none) B16477 Brick of Kurigalzu. To Nannar, his king, dKurigalzu mighty hero, king of Ur, king of Sumer and Akkad E-kish-shir-gal, his beloved temple, has restored. H.C. in text: Kassite period(13)
6939 (none) (none) B16268 Terracotta mould. Fragmentary. Broken at bottom. Seated goddess feat resting on goose and second goose standing at right hand side. Cf. terracotta figurine identical in subject with this mould though not actually produced from it. E.
2514 (none) (none) (none) Figurine. Buff clay. Nude female, mitred and with necklace. Legs missing below the knee. [drawing 1:1]
6503 (none) (none) B16260 Terracotta fragment. Roaring lion with flowing mane. E. [drawing 1:1]
6856 (none) (none) B16374 Tortoise. White frit, and glazed. E. [drawing 1:1]


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