Media Type: Monograph     
Title: Clay Figurines of Babylonia and Assyria     
Date: 1930     
Author: Elizabeth Douglas Van Buren     
Publisher: Yale University Press     


Objects: Clay Figurines of Babylonia and Assyria | Clay Figurines of Babylonia and Assyria Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
978 (none) (none) B15187 Terracotta relief. Broken. Upper part of figure of Astarti? Holding a goose or swan. The background bears a crescent moon and stars.
915 (none) 1923,1110.97 (none) Clay relief. Goddess seated on a chair: flounced skirt, horned headdress, 2 pegs behind to make it stand up. [drawing]
8556 (none) (none) B17205 Terra cotta relief A god, head full face, body profile left, seated on a ram. Flat rimmed cap, beard elaborately curled: right hand extended open, left holding whip: long open cloak to ankles. Fine example. [drawing 1:1]
8292 (none) (none) B17196 Head of male. Unbaked clay. Not made in a mould. Traces of black paint under the eyes. Hole pierced through bottom of head vertically to hold a pole.
809 (none) 1923,1110.107 (none) Terracotta relief. Moulded Woman suckling a child. In whitish drab clay. Poor work, proportions bad: surface weathered. [drawing 1:1]
777 (none) 1923,1110.112 (none) Terracotta mask fr. of. in pinkish-drab clay. [drawing 1:1]
7140 (none) (none) (none) Terracotta plaque. Fragment. Warriors on either side of doorway of shrine. Lances standing upright from the ground: above crescent moon, geese and fish. [drawing 1:1]
7111 47-29-159 (none) B16266 Terracotta plaque. Fragmentary. Bearded god? Seated on a bull left arm bent at elbow and holding an object right hand held against breast. E. [drawing 1:1]
7108 (none) (none) (none) Terracotta figurine. Seated female, grotesque figure, abnormally large hands held against breast, hair done up in thick bunches at side. Heavy necklaces. Pellet eyes. [drawing 1:1]
7107 (none) (none) B16255 Terracotta Figurine. Naked female, hands clasped against waist. Common type. [drawing 1:1] E
7103 (none) (none) B16573 Clay vase. Light drab. Type 645. =L,
7076B (none) (none) B16267 Terracotta figurine. Seated goddess in Kaunakes skirt, and holding a vase from which water pours on either side, against the breast. Long flowing hair falling down breast and done up in a knot over either ear. High horned headdress on either side of head a crescent moon. Behind throne a peacock, tail of which shows behind right hand side of the goddess and head behind left hand side. E. [drawing 1:2]
7071 (none) 1927,0527.226 (none) Terracotta figurine. Female in Kaunakees dress, right shoulder exposed holding suckling child against breast. Feet of female lost. E. [drawing 1:1]
7064 (none) (none) B16269 Terracotta mould. Enthroned figure - female? Wearing flounced Kaukenes skirt. E.
7062 (none) (none) B16259 Terracotta figurine. Fragmentary. Heads missing. 2 nude wrestlers, males, arms locked round waists, right foot of one figure crosses left foot of the other. E [drawing 1:1]
7060 (none) 1927,0527.233 (none) Terracotta figurine. Bearded male in profile holding axe in left hand. Close fitting cap on head. Feet lost. E. [drawing 1:1]
6940 (none) (none) (none) Terracotta figurine. Lost below waist. Bearded male with monkey on head, monkey's feet resting on shoulders. Cord hangs down from monkey's neck in front of male figure. B.
6939 (none) (none) B16268 Terracotta mould. Fragmentary. Broken at bottom. Seated goddess feat resting on goose and second goose standing at right hand side. Cf. terracotta figurine identical in subject with this mould though not actually produced from it. E.
6915 (none) (none) B16256 Terracotta statuette. Female: full face, dressed in close fitting skirt and holding a high-necked vase against waist in left hand, Right arm bent at elbow and slightly upraised. Skirt which is close fitting is embroidered at the bottom and tasseled down right side. Short sleeves reaching elbows only. Female wears necklace, short hair done up in clusters at sides. E. [drawing 1:1]
6864 (none) 1927,0527.249 (none) Clay rattle. Common type. Nobbed decoration round rims. E.
6856 (none) (none) B16374 Tortoise. White frit, and glazed. E. [drawing 1:1]
6855 (none) (none) (none) Terracotta figurine. Bearded male figure carrying monkey on shoulders. Male figure is clothed in long flowing garment and wears a close fitting cap over the head. Twisted cord apparently suspended from monkey's neck and hands down in front of the male figure. A second monkey stands upon its hind legs in front of him. Twisted round man's wrist and in his right hand a staff? Cf. U.6921 same mould may have served for both. Also, U.6940 [drawing 1:1]
6846 (none) (none) (none) Seated goddess heavily draped in cloak and flounced skirt and wearing peaked headdress, feet resting on one goose and second goose standing right hand side of throne right hand held across body and holding a small figurine ? Left arm bent at elbow and held slightly upraised. Full face down to waist, in profile below. cf. Black diorite statue of (Ur Bau?) found in Nin-Gal sanctuary of Larsa temple. KP. U.. Cf also U.6939 terracotta mould of same figurine (though typically not the mould also fine. Diqdiqqeh. B. [drawing 1:1]
6837 (none) 1927,0527.228 (none) Terracotta figurine. Nude female hands clasped below breast. Common type. E.
6832 (none) 1927,0527.38 (none) Ram. Black diorite. Fragment. Part of one horn alone remains. E.
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