Title: Trends, Traditions, and Transformations: Fashions in Dress in Early Dynastic Mesopotamia     
Date: 2008     
Author: Baadsgaard, Aubrey     


Objects: Trends, Traditions, and Transformations: Fashions in Dress in Early Dynastic Mesopotamia | Trends, T Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
14406 31-17-66 (none) (none) Beads. Quantity of lapis double conoids.
14471 31-17-102 (none) (none) Beads. 12 various. Not in catalog.
10979 (none) (none) B16783 Beads. A garter composed of flat lapis bugles, flat gold bugles and a carnelian ball.
11728 30-12-561 (none) (none) Beads. A necklace formed of 17 gold tube beads with applique filigree decoration, 16 plain gold lentoids, 34 plain lapis lentoids, 1 large gold fluted ball, 2 ditto. lapis and a number of very small carnelian rings. For order see Field Notes.
11744C 30-12-642 (none) (none) Beads. A string of minute beads, gold, lapis & carnelian, with gold spacers giving 3 rows.
11477 30-12-465 (none) (none) Beads. Carnelian and lapis, bugles & lentoids; a few ball-heads of dark wood (ebony?) most of which fell to pieces. For order see Field Notes.
8620 (none) 1928,1009.83 (none) Beads. Carnelian double conoids, and a few silver ditto, large. The silver much decayed.
11894 30-12-610 (none) (none) Beads. Carnelian lentoids & lapis beads of various sorts, carnelian rings & jasper bugles. For order see Field Notes.
8018B (none) (none) (none) Beads. Carnelian, agate, lapis and gold. [A] One string was of carnelian and gold. [B] One string of lapis and gold. [C] Agate beads were found touching each other end to end, so should form a string.
11531 30-12-451 (none) (none) Beads. Carnelians, lapis & chrysoprases (?) see Field Notes.
11563 (none) 1929,1017.257 (none) Beads. Gold, carnelian and lapis. Found loose together near PG 1068 & abut 300mm higher up.
9351D (none) (none) B16819 Beads. Gold, lapis lazuli and carnelian. Three gold suspenders, 2 consisting of a gold ring attached to a single piece of gold foil which is a spacer for 3 necklaces. The third is a gold ring set with a gold flower pattern consisting of 12 petals represented only in outline. Also, 2 cones of spiral gold wire attached to a gold foil spacer for 2 strings. 3 Pear shaped gold beads pierced vertically. A piece of gold wire passes through the hole. At the top it is rolled over twice to form a spacer for 2 strings and at the bottom end twisted round once to prevent it from slipping. 3 lentoid lapis beads fitted with gold attachments similar to the above, except that one of the ha spacers for 3 instead of 2 strings. Also, 4 carnelians with similar gold attachments one a lentoid, 2 flattened ball beads, and 1 flattened double conoid. 5 gold pears (slender type) perforated at apex: 6 large gold double conoids and 10 small. A gold triangle consisting of 6 rows of minute ball beads, 2 lines of minute gold beads soldered together as above are both spacers, 1 for six the other for seven strings. 2 fluted gold ball beads and 1 fluted pear shaped bead. 8 minute gold ring beads. 26 carnelian lentoids. 5 carnelian bugle beads. 5 carnelian double conoids. 4 or 5 carnelian minute ring & ball beads. 2 lapis leaf shaped beads [drawing] thick in section. 7 lapis large double conoids. 32 lapis small double conoids. 2 ribbed conical lapis beads with a straight piece projecting from the base. 4 pear shaped lapis beads. About 50 smaller lapis beads, ring beads, ball beads, bugle beads, etc.
9351A (none) (none) B16794 Beads. Gold, lapis lazuli and carnelian. Three gold suspenders, 2 consisting of a gold ring attached to a single piece of gold foil which is a spacer for 3 necklaces. The third is a gold ring set with a gold flower pattern consisting of 12 petals represented only in outline. Also, 2 cones of spiral gold wire attached to a gold foil spacer for 2 strings. 3 Pear shaped gold beads pierced vertically. A piece of gold wire passes through the hole. At the top it is rolled over twice to form a spacer for 2 strings and at the bottom end twisted round once to prevent it from slipping. 3 lentoid lapis beads fitted with gold attachments similar to the above, except that one of the ha spacers for 3 instead of 2 strings. Also, 4 carnelians with similar gold attachments one a lentoid, 2 flattened ball beads, and 1 flattened double conoid. 5 gold pears (slender type) perforated at apex: 6 large gold double conoids and 10 small. A gold triangle consisting of 6 rows of minute ball beads, 2 lines of minute gold beads soldered together as above are both spacers, 1 for six the other for seven strings. 2 fluted gold ball beads and 1 fluted pear shaped bead. 8 minute gold ring beads. 26 carnelian lentoids. 5 carnelian bugle beads. 5 carnelian double conoids. 4 or 5 carnelian minute ring & ball beads. 2 lapis leaf shaped beads [drawing] thick in section. 7 lapis large double conoids. 32 lapis small double conoids. 2 ribbed conical lapis beads with a straight piece projecting from the base. 4 pear shaped lapis beads. About 50 smaller lapis beads, ring beads, ball beads, bugle beads, etc.
9351C (none) (none) B16804 Beads. Gold, lapis lazuli and carnelian. Three gold suspenders, 2 consisting of a gold ring attached to a single piece of gold foil which is a spacer for 3 necklaces. The third is a gold ring set with a gold flower pattern consisting of 12 petals represented only in outline. Also, 2 cones of spiral gold wire attached to a gold foil spacer for 2 strings. 3 Pear shaped gold beads pierced vertically. A piece of gold wire passes through the hole. At the top it is rolled over twice to form a spacer for 2 strings and at the bottom end twisted round once to prevent it from slipping. 3 lentoid lapis beads fitted with gold attachments similar to the above, except that one of the ha spacers for 3 instead of 2 strings. Also, 4 carnelians with similar gold attachments one a lentoid, 2 flattened ball beads, and 1 flattened double conoid. 5 gold pears (slender type) perforated at apex: 6 large gold double conoids and 10 small. A gold triangle consisting of 6 rows of minute ball beads, 2 lines of minute gold beads soldered together as above are both spacers, 1 for six the other for seven strings. 2 fluted gold ball beads and 1 fluted pear shaped bead. 8 minute gold ring beads. 26 carnelian lentoids. 5 carnelian bugle beads. 5 carnelian double conoids. 4 or 5 carnelian minute ring & ball beads. 2 lapis leaf shaped beads [drawing] thick in section. 7 lapis large double conoids. 32 lapis small double conoids. 2 ribbed conical lapis beads with a straight piece projecting from the base. 4 pear shaped lapis beads. About 50 smaller lapis beads, ring beads, ball beads, bugle beads, etc.
11884 (none) 1929,1017.328 (none) Beads. Lapis bugles & carnelian rings from a wreath of silver beech leaves. 1-kept.
11514 (none) 1929,1017.303 (none) Beads. Lapis lentoids & double conoids with 2 ribbed gold balls & a few carnelians (rings and 1 bugle).
9650 (none) (none) B17665 Beads. Lapis, small double conoids and lentoids.
11910 30-12-562 (none) (none) Beads. Large double conoids of electrum and carnelian and flat lentoids of carnelian and gold: all from one string on the chest of the central figure in the domed chamber.
8552 (none) (none) (none) Beads. Large shell rings.
11743O 30-12-584 (none) (none) Beads. Long Carnelian bugles strung up with gold fluted balls. Also carnelian double conoids (see Field Notes).
11743Q 30-12-641 (none) (none) Beads. Long Carnelian bugles strung up with gold fluted balls. Also carnelian double conoids (see Field Notes).
11743L 30-12-456 (none) (none) Beads. Long Carnelian bugles strung up with gold fluted balls. Also carnelian double conoids (see Field Notes).
11743N 30-12-583 (none) (none) Beads. Long Carnelian bugles strung up with gold fluted balls. Also carnelian double conoids (see Field Notes).
11743R 30-12-648 (none) (none) Beads. Long Carnelian bugles strung up with gold fluted balls. Also carnelian double conoids (see Field Notes).
11743T 30-12-650 (none) (none) Beads. Long Carnelian bugles strung up with gold fluted balls. Also carnelian double conoids (see Field Notes).


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