Title: Trends, Traditions, and Transformations: Fashions in Dress in Early Dynastic Mesopotamia     
Date: 2008     
Author: Baadsgaard, Aubrey     


Objects: Trends, Traditions, and Transformations: Fashions in Dress in Early Dynastic Mesopotamia | Trends, T Export: JSON - XML - CSV Puabi's Jewelry

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
10879 (none) (none) B17063 Beads From the belt Plain short bugles of lapis, gold and carnelian, and minute ball beads in the same material: see Field Notes.
10878 (none) (none) B16721 Gold finger ring In the middle of the band, 3 rows of cable pattern : round each edge an inlaid line of lapis lazuli (much of the stone missing)
10877A (none) (none) B16717 Gold finger rings A-D five, all similar design a flat hoop with plain beading and cable coils in centre (made from coiled wire)
10877B (none) (none) B16718 Gold finger rings A-D five, all similar design a flat hoop with plain beading and cable coils in centre (made from coiled wire)
10877C (none) (none) B16719 Gold finger rings A-D five, all similar design a flat hoop with plain beading and cable coils in centre (made from coiled wire)
10877D (none) (none) B16720 Gold finger rings A-D five, all similar design a flat hoop with plain beading and cable coils in centre (made from coiled wire)
10866A.2 (none) (none) B16756 [A.1-.3] Beads Double conoids Gold 68 Lapis 250 Probably forming 3 separate strings, one of gold, two of lapis
10866A.3 (none) (none) B16781 [A.1-.3] Beads Double conoids Gold 68 Lapis 250 Probably forming 3 separate strings, one of gold, two of lapis
  • 8 Objects


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