Title: Trends, Traditions, and Transformations: Fashions in Dress in Early Dynastic Mesopotamia     
Date: 2008     
Author: Baadsgaard, Aubrey     


Objects: Trends, Traditions, and Transformations: Fashions in Dress in Early Dynastic Mesopotamia | Trends, T Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
12374A.1 30-12-716A (none) (none) Group: [A.1-.2] Large gold lunate earring. [B.1-.2] Two heavy gold wire spiral coil hair rings. [C] Necklace of gold and lapis triangles. [D] Necklace of gold and lapis double round beads. [E] Gold pin with fluted lapis head V B. [F] Lapis cylinder seal two registers. [G-I] A set of 3 gold rings, each of cable pattern with plain rim. [J-L] Are human finger bones found inside the rings. Added by project]
12374A.2 30-12-716B (none) (none) Group: [A.1-.2] Large gold lunate earring. [B and J] Two heavy gold wire spiral coil hair rings. [C] Necklace of gold and lapis triangles. [D] Necklace of gold and lapis double round beads. [E] Gold pin with fluted lapis head V B. [F] Lapis cylinder seal two registers. [G-I] A set of 3 gold rings, each of cable pattern with plain rim.
12423B.1 30-12-729A (none) (none) Group: [A] Gold hair ribbon. [B.1-.2] Large gold lunate earring. [C] Wreath of gold leaves on lapis and carnelian beads. [D] Silver comb with inlaid flowers. [E] Necklace of lapis and gold triangles. [F] Necklace of gold and lapis double conoid beads. [G] Silver pin with lapis and gold head [Type] VI B. [H] Silver pin with lapis head [Type] VI B. [I] Copper pin with lapis head (broken). [J] A silver finger ring. [K] Wristlet of tubular gold and lapis beads and carnelian rings (order in field notes).
12423B.2 30-12-729B (none) (none) Group: [A] Gold hair ribbon. [B.1-.2] Large gold lunate earring. [C] Wreath of gold leaves on lapis and carnelian beads. [D] Silver comb with inlaid flowers. [E] Necklace of lapis and gold triangles. [F] Necklace of gold and lapis double conoid beads. [G] Silver pin with lapis and gold head [Type] VI B. [H] Silver pin with lapis head [Type] VI B. [I] Copper pin with lapis head (broken). [J] A silver finger ring. [K] Wristlet of tubular gold and lapis beads and carnelian rings (order in field notes).
12398B.1 30-12-680A (none) (none) Groups: [A ]Gold hair ribbon. [B.1-.2] Large gold lunate earrings. [C] Wreath of gold gold leaves on lapis and carnelian wreath. [D-E] 2 gold flowers mounted on silver stems. [F] Silver comb with 3 inlaid flowers. [G] Necklace of gold and lapis triangles. [H] Necklace of gold and blue ball beads. [I] Silver pin (broken).
12398B.2 30-12-680B (none) (none) Groups: [A ]Gold hair ribbon. [B.1-.2] Large gold lunate earrings. [C] Wreath of gold gold leaves on lapis and carnelian wreath. [D-E] 2 gold flowers mounted on silver stems. [F] Silver comb with 3 inlaid flowers. [G] Necklace of gold and lapis triangles. [H] Necklace of gold and blue ball beads. [I] Silver pin (broken).
12366B.2 30-12-715B (none) (none) Group: [A] Gold hair ribbon. [B.1-.2] Large gold lunate earring. [C] Wreath of gold leaves in lapis and carnelian beads. [D] Silver comb with 3 inlaid flowers (in bad condition). [E] Necklace of gold and lapis triangles. [F] Necklace of gold and lapis fluted base beads and carnelian rings (for order see field notes). [G] Bracelet of gold lapis and carnelian beads. [H] Another similar bracelet. [I] Silver pin with lapis head Type VI B. [J] Copper pin with lapis head Type VI B. [K] Gold flower on silver stem.
12366B.1 30-12-715A (none) (none) Group: [A] Gold hair ribbon. [B.1-.2] Large gold lunate earring. [C] Wreath of gold leaves in lapis and carnelian beads. [D] Silver comb with 3 inlaid flowers (in bad condition). [E] Necklace of gold and lapis triangles. [F] Necklace of gold and lapis fluted base beads and carnelian rings (for order see field notes). [G] Bracelet of gold lapis and carnelian beads. [H] Another similar bracelet. [I] Silver pin with lapis head Type VI B. [J] Copper pin with lapis head Type VI B. [K] Gold flower on silver stem.
8006 (none) (none) B16889 Cylinder seal. Lapis lazuli. 2 registers: above, 2 seated figures, table and door. Below, 2 animals? Very deep cutting and most primitive style.
8084 (none) (none) B16793 Beads. Lapis lazuli. Medium-sized double conoids and some balls.
8097 (none) (none) B16792 Beads. Very long bugles, 1 gold, 2 lapis, 3 carnelian, one of the latter facetted, & 4 small silver & 3 small gold balls. For original order see field notes.
8127 (none) (none) B16795 Necklace. 158 lapis lazuli double conoids. 51 gold double conoids. 1 double conoid facetted gold bead. [drawing] not to scale. Beads apparently strung in the following order. 3 small lapis. 1 large lapis. 3 small lapis. 2 gold beads. 3 small lapis. 1 large lapis. 3 small lapis. 2 gold beads.
8192 (none) (none) B17040 Cockle shell. Containing green paint.
8193 (none) (none) B17030 Shell rings A number used as beads [31 under this number in UPM]
8203 (none) (none) B17037 Silver ear-ring. Circle made of- 2 1/2 spiral coils of silver wire. & fragments of a second similar.
8209A (none) (none) B16832A [A-B] Ear-rings. Gold. Each made of 2 1/2 spiral turns of gold wire: found one on each side of the skull against the ear.
8209B (none) (none) B16832B [A-B] Earrings. Gold. Each made of 2 1/2 spiral turns of gold wire: found one on each side of the skull agaisnt the ear.
8214 (none) (none) B16704 Silver suspenders. A plain ring of silver wire from which hangs a spacer for 3 strings of beads: they appeared to hang from the head this way up, but two were found corroded together in opposite directions. [drawing 1:1]
8274B (none) (none) B16825 [A-B] Necklace. About 250 beads, mostly small. 1 large faceted lapis lazuli. 18 double conoid lapis. 14 lentoid lapis. 18 bugle and double conoid carnelian. 4 or 5 minute gold beads. The rest small carnelian ring beads and lapis ring and ball beads, a few ribbed barrel lapis beads. Fragment of lapis inlay with incised concentric areas [drawing]. Arbitrarily made up into two strings .
8513 (none) (none) B16869 Cylinder seal White shell, much decayed, but preserving an inscription in the upper register [drawing of inscription]
8552 (none) (none) (none) Beads. Large shell rings.
9597A (none) (none) B16952 [A-B] 2 Cockle shells One containing black paint
9597B (none) (none) B16952 [A-B] 2 Cockle shells One containing black paint
8599 (none) (none) B17553 Silver bracelet. Plain silver wire circlet.
8600A (none) (none) B17559 [A-C] Silver rings Three Each made of 2 1/2 spiral coils of silver wire
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