Title: Magnificent Objects from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology     
Date: 2004     
Author: Quick, Jennifer and Deborah I. Olszewski     
Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press     
Publication place: Philadelphia, PA     


Objects: Magnificent Objects from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology | Mag Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
10556C (none) (none) B17684 [A] Bull's head. Gold, with lapis hair between the horns and a lapis beard set in silver; the gold horns are tipped with lapis. [B]The body was of wood (see Field Notes) and down the front are [C] shell plaques with engraved mythological scenes
12357B 30-12-702 (none) (none) [A, B] Statues of rams. A pair. With gold heads and legs; lapis horns, eyes and manes; shell fleeces; silver bellies; the plants and flowers gold; mounted on silver stands with pink and white mosaic diaper. The ram stands on his hind legs, the front legs doubled up and shackled to the stems of tall plants whose arrowhead shaped leaves & rosette flowers rise on each side of the head. Gold sockets rising from the shoulder shows that they were supports for something : of this the only possible trace was a white substance, perhaps leather, which lay under the second animal found. The first animal [A] is rather badly broken & the legs & part of the rump are separate but the thickness of the body is preserved : the second [B] is squashed quite flat but keeps its silhouette & only 3 of the flowers are detached.
  • 2 Objects


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