| 15058 | 47-29-387 | (none) | (none) | Tablet. Wages for slaves (Ur III Dyn?) HC.517. |
 | 15063A | 31-17-9, 31-17-09 | (none) | (none) | Clay cones. (A) Nearly complete. Inscription on stem complete. Inscription on head partly broken. |
 | 15064 | 31-17-7 | (none) | (none) | Stone Tablet inscription. As 15063 (with some errors in the script?) HC.16. |
 | 15065 | 31-17-8 | (none) | (none) | Copper statue. Basket-bearing man naked above, from waist of flattened - cylindrical form, pointed at the base. Traces of inscription - not decipherable before cleaning, presumably -15063/4 |
 | 15069 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay cone. Fragment. Rim-Sin or Warad-Sin, complete RIU 130 in part (e-ga-bur-ra ) HC.15 |
 | 15070 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay cone. Fragment (15662) Rim-Sin HC.17 |
 | 15612 | (none) | 1930,1213.176 | (none) | Clay figurine. TO painted ware. Fragment. With black paint on greenish drab clay. Fore part of buffalo. [drawing 1:1] |
 | 15662 | (none) | 1930,1213.170 | (none) | Clay cone. Stem complete. Dedication of E-nig-gi-na of Ningiszida by Rim-Sin. cf. 15652 & 15070. HC.22. |
 | 15671 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Tablet. contract. Of about the Larsa period. |
 | 16181 | (none) | 1931,1010.13 | (none) | Button seal. Steatite. Incised cross on flat side. Convex side also had triple cross incisions and incised circles. Over part of the seal is a white surface that has the appearance of a glaze. Seal has been perforated transversely through the convex side. The white surface is visible also the inside of the perforated hole. [drawing] |
 | 16272 | 31-43-252, 31-43-252 | (none) | (none) | Marble Mace-head. fragment of. inscribed: Dingir gi (mil-dSin?) ki-ag dingir en-lil........
Gimil-Sin (?), beloved of the god, Enlil......
HC. BC. Dungi-room I
Text: Dungi Many 10 App I (3)
VI |
 | 16397 | 31-43-74 | (none) | (none) | Button seal. Baked clay. Glazed. Bleached white. Stamped with scorpion. Dome-shaped bulbous dome stamped with 4 concentric circles. [drawing] |
 | 16532 | 31-43-251 | (none) | (none) | White calcite mace-head
H.C. 30/111, 3. |
 | 16573A | (none) | (none) | (none) | Unknown |
 | 16580B | (none) | 1953,0411.68 | (none) | Card Missing |
 | 16699A | (none) | 1935,0113.404 | (none) | [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons.
Traces of bone hafting in sockets.
[A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1]
[B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1]
[C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2;
[E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing]
[G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1]
[H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1] |
 | 16699B | (none) | 1935,0113.404 | (none) | [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons.
Traces of bone hafting in sockets.
[A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1]
[B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1]
[C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2;
[E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing]
[G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1]
[H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1] |
 | 16699C | (none) | 1935,0113.404 | (none) | [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons.
Traces of bone hafting in sockets.
[A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1]
[B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1]
[C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2;
[E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing]
[G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1]
[H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1] |
 | 16699D | (none) | 1935,0113.404 | (none) | [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons.
Traces of bone hafting in sockets.
[A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1]
[B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1]
[C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2;
[E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing]
[G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1]
[H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1] |
 | 16699E | (none) | 1935,0113.404 | (none) | [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons.
Traces of bone hafting in sockets.
[A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1]
[B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1]
[C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2;
[E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing]
[G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1]
[H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1] |
 | 16699F | (none) | 1935,0113.404 | (none) | [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons.
Traces of bone hafting in sockets.
[A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1]
[B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1]
[C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2;
[E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing]
[G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1]
[H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1] |
 | 16699G | (none) | 1935,0113.404 | (none) | [A-H] Collection of miniature copper weapons.
Traces of bone hafting in sockets.
[A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1]
[B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1]
[C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2;
[E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing]
[G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1]
[H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1] |
 | 16699H | (none) | 1935,0113.404 | (none) | [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons.
Traces of bone hafting in sockets.
[A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1]
[B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1]
[C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2;
[E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing]
[G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1]
[H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1] |
 | 16826J | (none) | (none) | (none) | [Card Missing] |
 | 16829A | (none) | (none) | (none) | [Card Missing] |