Title: Ur Excavation Volumes Provisional     
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Objects: Ur Excavation Volumes Provisional | Ur Excavation Volumes Provisional Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
15058 47-29-387 (none) (none) Tablet. Wages for slaves (Ur III Dyn?) HC.517.
15063A 31-17-9, 31-17-09 (none) (none) Clay cones. (A) Nearly complete. Inscription on stem complete. Inscription on head partly broken.
15064 31-17-7 (none) (none) Stone Tablet inscription. As 15063 (with some errors in the script?) HC.16.
15065 31-17-8 (none) (none) Copper statue. Basket-bearing man naked above, from waist of flattened - cylindrical form, pointed at the base. Traces of inscription - not decipherable before cleaning, presumably -15063/4
15069 (none) (none) (none) Clay cone. Fragment. Rim-Sin or Warad-Sin, complete RIU 130 in part (e-ga-bur-ra ) HC.15
15070 (none) (none) (none) Clay cone. Fragment (15662) Rim-Sin HC.17
15612 (none) 1930,1213.176 (none) Clay figurine. TO painted ware. Fragment. With black paint on greenish drab clay. Fore part of buffalo. [drawing 1:1]
15662 (none) 1930,1213.170 (none) Clay cone. Stem complete. Dedication of E-nig-gi-na of Ningiszida by Rim-Sin. cf. 15652 & 15070. HC.22.
15671 (none) (none) (none) Tablet. contract. Of about the Larsa period.
16181 (none) 1931,1010.13 (none) Button seal. Steatite. Incised cross on flat side. Convex side also had triple cross incisions and incised circles. Over part of the seal is a white surface that has the appearance of a glaze. Seal has been perforated transversely through the convex side. The white surface is visible also the inside of the perforated hole. [drawing]
16272 31-43-252, 31-43-252 (none) (none) Marble Mace-head. fragment of. inscribed: Dingir gi (mil-dSin?) ki-ag dingir en-lil........ Gimil-Sin (?), beloved of the god, Enlil...... HC. BC. Dungi-room I Text: Dungi Many 10 App I (3) VI
16397 31-43-74 (none) (none) Button seal. Baked clay. Glazed. Bleached white. Stamped with scorpion. Dome-shaped bulbous dome stamped with 4 concentric circles. [drawing]
16532 31-43-251 (none) (none) White calcite mace-head Fragment. Rimush. H.C. 30/111, 3.
16573A (none) (none) (none) Unknown
16580B (none) 1953,0411.68 (none) Card Missing
16699A (none) 1935,0113.404 (none) [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons. Traces of bone hafting in sockets. [A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1] [B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1] [C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2; [E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing] [G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1] [H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1]
16699B (none) 1935,0113.404 (none) [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons. Traces of bone hafting in sockets. [A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1] [B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1] [C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2; [E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing] [G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1] [H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1]
16699C (none) 1935,0113.404 (none) [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons. Traces of bone hafting in sockets. [A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1] [B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1] [C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2; [E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing] [G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1] [H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1]
16699D (none) 1935,0113.404 (none) [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons. Traces of bone hafting in sockets. [A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1] [B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1] [C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2; [E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing] [G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1] [H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1]
16699E (none) 1935,0113.404 (none) [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons. Traces of bone hafting in sockets. [A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1] [B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1] [C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2; [E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing] [G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1] [H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1]
16699F (none) 1935,0113.404 (none) [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons. Traces of bone hafting in sockets. [A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1] [B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1] [C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2; [E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing] [G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1] [H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1]
16699G (none) 1935,0113.404 (none) [A-H] Collection of miniature copper weapons. Traces of bone hafting in sockets. [A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1] [B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1] [C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2; [E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing] [G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1] [H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1]
16699H (none) 1935,0113.404 (none) [A-G] Collection of miniature copper weapons. Traces of bone hafting in sockets. [A](1) Copper axe with turned over tang and remains of bone(?) haft.; [drawing 1:1] [B](2) Copper spear with turned over tang, remains of bone hafting in socket; [drawing 1:1] [C-D] (3-4) Similar to #2; [E-F] (5) Two spears with tips missing, broad blades; [drawing] [G] (6) Flat-bladed instrument; [drawing 1:1] [H] (7) Small piece of copper sheeting with two flaps and one end slightly turned up. [drawing 1:1]
16826J (none) (none) (none) [Card Missing]
16829A (none) (none) (none) [Card Missing]


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