Context Title: TTB.W     
Context Name (Publication): TTB W     
Context Name (Publication): E-nun-mah Room 22     
Context Description: Against the NW jamb of the door in the NE wall, enclosed in its hinge-box, was a doorsocket of Gimil-Sin (U. 838, UET 1, 80). In the filling was found a broken mud brick with the stamp of Kudur-Mabug and also in the filling was a very large inscribed stone duck-weight (U. 808). A doorsocket of Kuri-Galzu (U. 950) was not in situ, nor was a fragment of a clay cone of Nur-Adad (U. 335). On a fragmentary vessel of limestone was a dedication by Sin- ... - uballit (U. 873). The tablets were U. 739, 740. To the NW of rooms 23 and 24 all traces of the building had disappeared and a shaft sunk between those rooms and the Nebuchadnezzar drain failed to find even the foundations of walls. Below the level of the drain came hard-packed brick earth, artificially rammed, in which (at depth 2.00 m.) was found a late carnelian cylinder seal (U. 775, UE X, 611), proving that the layer was relatively late. From 2.20 m. to 3.20 m. was sand, and then a floor of grey clay thinly overlaid with white plaster, this connecting with First Dynasty of Ur levels found farther to the west. Below this was mixed soil going down to 3.80 m. and then clean sandy soil to 5.30 m. In the top levels SE of the drain and not disturbed by its construction were found a fragment of an inscribed diorite vessel (U. 874, unintelligible), a fragment of a small inscribed stone macehead (U. 985), and a considerable number of clay tablets (U. 381-86, 389-93, 540, 541, 737, 926-37, 951, 966-68, 979-81, 987) and seal impressions, the former including examples dated to the 3rd year of Gimil-Sin, the 6th year of Gungunum, the 2nd year of Abi-sare, the 22nd year of Sumu-ilum, and to the reign of Samsu-iluna; one seal impression was that of A-ab-ba, son of Enannatum, priest of Nannar, perhaps the Enannatum who built the Gig-Par-Ku in the reign of Gungunum. A certain number of objects were found either against the walls of the building, at a low level, or in the rubbish which overlay its ruins. A roughly made cup of reddish-drab clay with a pierced base (Type IV) seemed to belong to the Kuri-Galzu stratum; stone vase fragments with inscriptions (fragmentary) of Rimush (U. 1167) and Dungi (U. 296) and of an unknown dedicator, an inscribed fragment of a statue in diorite (U. 744), a fragment in dolerite of a wig (?) for application to a statue (U. 176), a shell amulet in the form of a demon's head (U. 233), cylinder seals (U. 167 decayed; U. 234, UE X, No. 217; and U. 790), a plumb-bob (U. 835), seal impressions (e.g, U. 574-84, 3255), and tablets, complete or fragmentary, including examples dated to the 8th year of Bur-Sin and the 2nd year of Abi-sare (U. 373, 724).     


Objects: TTB.W Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
744 (none) (none) (none) Fragment of dolomite statue. Probably from shoulder. Last four lines of single column inscription of a King of Ur. Length of inscription 50mm
835 (none) (none) (none) Cone. of dark brown stone. Broken below. A hole runs up the centre, and a second is pierced from the side to beyond the middle for a pin to make the cone fast to the peg running up the central hole. On one side scratches, perhaps relics of an inscription. [Handwritten note corrects type to plumb bob] [drawing 1:1]
924 (none) (none) (none) Sixty-seven fragments of tablets from 22B, W side, above rooms 33 and 34. See U.925-U.937, U.964, U.966-U968. Placed in Packing Case E.
925 (none) (none) (none) Small fragments of tablets placed in four cigarette tins numbered U 425 A-D From TTB, W side, above rooms 33-4. See U.924.
926 (none) (none) (none) Small fragments of a tag-label, 2 line inscription and a seal impression with 3 line inscription. An animal figure. See U 929
927 (none) (none) (none) Clay fragments. Showing portion of seal impression. A figure resembling the god Amurru behind a female deity. See U929
928 (none) (none) (none) Small fragment of tag-label. Same seal impression as U.926. See U929
929 (none) (none) (none) Fragment of small tag-label or stopper? Fragments of 2 line inscription on side: on top seal impression showing 2 large figures, one holding a dagger and a small figure between in attitude of surrender. See U.924.
930 (none) (none) (none) Fragment from edge of round clay tablet. Dated in reign of (Samsu-) iluna. Bears the total 17 on one edge. See U 924
931 (none) (none) (none) Small complete tablet. 4 + 3 lines. Dated. 2nd year Abi-sare, king of Larsa.
932 (none) (none) (none) Complete tablet. Obverse defaced. Reverse, 3 line date. 6th year of Gungunum, king of Larsa. See U 924
933 (none) (none) (none) Complete tablet. Obverse 7 lines, badly preserved. Reverse dated. (Year after) the temple of Nannar NI(?IR).ZA.KI, year after that) 16th year Sumu-ilum, king of Larsa. See U 924
934 (none) (none) (none) Complete Tablet. Obverse, left side broken, 6 lines. Reverse 4 line date. "Year after Nunnar of IR? Za KI dwelt in his temple" 15th year Sumu-ilum, king of Larsa. See U 924
935 (none) (none) (none) Right hand portion of tablet. Ends of 3 lines on obverse. Reverse, 4 line dated. See U 924
936 (none) (none) (none) Right hand portion of tablet, obverse illegible. Reverse 6 lines. Dated. U 924
937 (none) (none) (none) Top of clay tablet. Top 5 and 6 lines. Dated. "Year when the canal Imgur-Ishtar was dug" (2nd. Year of Abi-sare, king of Larsa.) See U 924
951 (none) (none) (none) Tablet. Complete. 4 + 4 lines. Dated. 3rd year Gimil-Sin, King of Ur.
964A (none) (none) (none) [A-P] 16 fragments. See U.924. Placed in Packing Case F.
966 (none) (none) (none) Tablet. Nearly complete. Obverse illegible, reverse 6 lines. Dated. Year when the host of Kazallu was smitten with the sword. (22nd year Sumu-ilum, King of Larsa). See U.924
967 (none) (none) (none) Fragment of tablet, bottom right hand corner. Obverse damaged. Reverse 1 line. On side seal impression of a A-AB-BA son of Ennatum, priest of Nannar. See U.924.
968 (none) (none) (none) Fragment of clay envelopes with 2 columns: 1 line each on one side and seal impression 3 line inscription on edge. See U.924.
979A (none) (none) (none) [A-BP] 68 fragments of tablets. 12 are packed in Packing Case F and a number in G.
980A (none) (none) (none) Small fragments of tablets. Same find U.979. packed in two cigarette cases 980 A and B.
981 (none) (none) (none) Clay fragment. With seal impression, showing standing human figure holding an animal by the tail, and two line inscription.
985 (none) (none) (none) Fragment of small stone mace head. With three line inscription giving someone's name, his father, and his official title.
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  • 25 of 133 Objects

Sibling Locations

TTB.20 - TTB.5 - TTB.SS


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