Context Title: D.6     
Context Name (Excavation): D 6     
Context Description: PFT     


Objects: D.6 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
13744A 31-17-103 (none) (none) Beads. Mostly white shell: with them 2 white shell plaques, one oblong, one diamond shaped and some lapis and carnelian rings. For order see field notes.
13746 31-16-489 (none) (none) Stone object. Obviously a fragment from a small shallow stone bowl (basic diorite?) rubbed down and pierced with holes. [drawing]
14415 31-17-249 (none) (none) Copper tool. (a narrow chisel or engraving-tool) round stem flattened to narrow chisel blade. [drawing 1:1]
14416 (none) (none) (none) Clay pot. Red clay, spouted. Type TO LXXX. Not in cat. vol. IV
14417 31-16-206 (none) (none) Clay pot. Pinkish drab clay, spouted. Type TO LXXX. Not in cat. Vol. IV
14420 (none) (none) (none) Stone bowl. Veined limestone. ? RC41. JN.9
14424 31-16-739 (none) (none) Fragment. Figurine (?male) Green clay with black paint, the figure nude except for a black belt. [drawing 1:1]
14427 (none) (none) (none) Clay pot. Spouted. Drab clay (broken & repaired) Type TO LXXX (a rathered full-bellied variant). Not in cat. Vol. IV.
14428 (none) (none) (none) Clay pot. Drab clay, pinkish. Good fine clay well potted & smoothed. On the shoulders 4 small lugs pierced horizontally. Type CCCXV. Not in catalog.
14432 (none) (none) (none) Clay pot. Fragmentary, and parts missing of very light-colored drab clay. Type CCCXVI. =JN132 new. Not in catalog.
14437 (none) (none) (none) Stone roundel. Black (diorite?) Flat below, convex above, a small hole in the centre of the flat side, not going all through the stone. Not in cat. Vol IV
14440 31-17-225 (none) (none) Copper arrowhead. Flat hammered blade & square tang. Broken but complete. [drawing 1:2]
14442 (none) (none) (none) Clay pot. Whitish drab clay. Broken but nearly complete. Type TO LXXXV but with no base ring. Not in cat. Vol. IV
14489 31-17-16 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Dark steatite.
14494 31-17-87 (none) (none) Amulet of pink pebble. Rudely cut in form of a bird. [drawing 1:1]
14568 (none) (none) (none) Seal impression. Subject, not clear.
15337 (none) (none) (none) Clay cup. Drab clay (broken) Type CCCXLVI.
15339 (none) (none) (none) Clay pedestal bowl. Red clay, drab surface (broken). Type CCCXVII.
15340 31-17-369 (none) (none) Clay pedestal bowl. Light red clay with cream slip, inside the bowl. (broken). Type CCCXLII
15341 (none) (none) (none) Clay pedestal bowl. Red clay with drab surface (broken). Type CCCXLVII.
15342 (none) (none) (none) Clay pedestal. Light red ware with drab slip. Type CCCXLVII. Variant. =aU.24.
15371 (none) (none) (none) Clay bowl. On ring base of TO ware: greenish drab clay with band of black paint round rim. The interior is deeply combed, pres. for the bruising of grain ( a piece missing) Much distorted in firing. Type CCCLXI.
15504 (none) (none) (none) Clay cup. To painted ware. Rough and handmade. Black on creamy alip; red body clay. Type CCCLXX. aU.11. [drawing 2:5]
15578 (none) (none) (none) Clay pot. Painted: fragments. With reddish-brown paint on light red clay. Shape & design doubtful (fragments collected).
13744B 31-17-145 (none) (none) Beads. Mostly white shell: with them 2 white shell plaques, one oblong, one diamond shaped and some lapis and carnelian rings. For order see field notes.
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  • 25 of 31 Objects

Sibling Locations

C.4 - C.5 - C.6 - C.7 - C.8 - D.4 - D.5 - D.7 - D.8 - E.4 - E.5 - E.6 - E.7 - E.8 - F.6 - F.8 - Graves


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