Context Title: LG/173 | CLWG/72     
Context Name (Excavation): CLW Grave 721     
Context Name (Publication): Larsa Grave 1731     
Context Description: On town wall.1     
Burial Type: Larnax B. he Larnax not inverted; it must have had a wooden lid. Traces of a closely woven woollen garment having a fringe down the front from neck to feet.1     
Pottery Types: 48, 69a.1     
Skeletal Remains: Body flexed, on rt. side, head SW.1     
[1] Imported from BM list of contexts.


Objects: LG/173 | CLWG/72 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
15404 (none) (none) (none) Beads: Carnelian balls & double conoids. Agate lentoids and balls. Sard(?) bead shaped like a double bun. Gold double conoid with circular ridged ends. [drawing 1:1]
  • 1 Object


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Ur > City Wall | CLW > Larsa Graves > LG/173 | CLWG/72