| 8840A | 52-30-45 | (none) | (none) | Tablet. In a box, not marked, and not fully examined, the following leftover unbaked, at end of season. (A)[A and H] 2 considerable fragments. (B)[B and I-L] 5 small tablets. (C) seal impression (interesting). (D) Contract with many fragments of its envelope, with seal impressions. also baked. (E) Fragment containing some proper names. (F) Half a business note also. (G) corner of archaic tablet. |
 | 13506 | 33-35-44 | (none) | (none) | Terracotta figurine.
Bearded male figure carrying a monkey on his shoulders. Monkey, head and arms of man in profile, torso of man full face. Arms bent at elbow, forearm parallel with ground.
In his left hand the man holds a rope which is attached to the monkey's neck.
Figure missing below waist but probably the man was leading a second monkey. Example is of importance chronologically for it was found in the Larsa filling and against the inner face of the SE wall of the Nebuchadnezzar Temenos. The rubbish stratum is well dated to the _Larsa_ Period. It seems therefore that this figure is also represented on the Asshur-Nasir-Pal reliefs was already in the Assyrian period a cult object of a considerable antiquity and was not simply (as formerly supposed) a man leading in tribute to the king.
Common type. |
 | 17873I | 32-40-68 | (none) | (none) | Model bricks. Miniatures in baked clay of plano-convex bricks. Two have crescent incised on the side some have marks. Some of the bricks are not plano-convex but flat-topped with a long curved frog. L. 50mm, W. 30mm, H. 12mm [unclear what these measurements reference]. Others are not brick-shaped but oval and round on top with long frog. Others are straight on one side and curved on the other and rise on the top with a double curve frog with these are what maybe mixing bowls, square or circular, hollow and containing a lump of bitumen mixed with earth. [drawing] |
 | 17873H | 32-40-67 | (none) | (none) | Model bricks. Miniatures in baked clay of plano-convex bricks. Two have crescent incised on the side some have marks. Some of the bricks are not plano-convex but flat-topped with a long curved frog. L. 50mm, W. 30mm, H. 12mm [unclear what these measurements reference]. Others are not brick-shaped but oval and round on top with long frog. Others are straight on one side and curved on the other and rise on the top with a double curve frog with these are what maybe mixing bowls, square or circular, hollow and containing a lump of bitumen mixed with earth. [drawing] |
 | 17873G | 32-40-66 | (none) | (none) | Model bricks. Miniatures in baked clay of plano-convex bricks. Two have crescent incised on the side some have marks. Some of the bricks are not plano-convex but flat-topped with a long curved frog. L. 50mm, W. 30mm, H. 12mm [unclear what these measurements reference]. Others are not brick-shaped but oval and round on top with long frog. Others are straight on one side and curved on the other and rise on the top with a double curve frog with these are what maybe mixing bowls, square or circular, hollow and containing a lump of bitumen mixed with earth. [drawing] |
 | 17873F | 32-40-65 | (none) | (none) | Model bricks. Miniatures in baked clay of plano-convex bricks. Two have crescent incised on the side some have marks. Some of the bricks are not plano-convex but flat-topped with a long curved frog. L. 50mm, W. 30mm, H. 12mm [unclear what these measurements reference]. Others are not brick-shaped but oval and round on top with long frog. Others are straight on one side and curved on the other and rise on the top with a double curve frog with these are what maybe mixing bowls, square or circular, hollow and containing a lump of bitumen mixed with earth. [drawing] |
 | 17873E | 32-40-64 | (none) | (none) | Model bricks. Miniatures in baked clay of plano-convex bricks. Two have crescent incised on the side some have marks. Some of the bricks are not plano-convex but flat-topped with a long curved frog. L. 50mm, W. 30mm, H. 12mm [unclear what these measurements reference]. Others are not brick-shaped but oval and round on top with long frog. Others are straight on one side and curved on the other and rise on the top with a double curve frog with these are what maybe mixing bowls, square or circular, hollow and containing a lump of bitumen mixed with earth. [drawing] |
 | 17873D | 32-40-63 | (none) | (none) | Model bricks. Miniatures in baked clay of plano-convex bricks. Two have crescent incised on the side some have marks. Some of the bricks are not plano-convex but flat-topped with a long curved frog. L. 50mm, W. 30mm, H. 12mm [unclear what these measurements reference]. Others are not brick-shaped but oval and round on top with long frog. Others are straight on one side and curved on the other and rise on the top with a double curve frog with these are what maybe mixing bowls, square or circular, hollow and containing a lump of bitumen mixed with earth. [drawing] |
 | 17873C | 32-40-62 | (none) | (none) | Model bricks. Miniatures in baked clay of plano-convex bricks. Two have crescent incised on the side some have marks. Some of the bricks are not plano-convex but flat-topped with a long curved frog. L. 50mm, W. 30mm, H. 12mm [unclear what these measurements reference]. Others are not brick-shaped but oval and round on top with long frog. Others are straight on one side and curved on the other and rise on the top with a double curve frog with these are what maybe mixing bowls, square or circular, hollow and containing a lump of bitumen mixed with earth. [drawing] |
 | 17873B | 32-40-61 | (none) | (none) | Model bricks. Miniatures in baked clay of plano-convex bricks. Two have crescent incised on the side some have marks. Some of the bricks are not plano-convex but flat-topped with a long curved frog. L. 50mm, W. 30mm, H. 12mm [unclear what these measurements reference]. Others are not brick-shaped but oval and round on top with long frog. Others are straight on one side and curved on the other and rise on the top with a double curve frog with these are what maybe mixing bowls, square or circular, hollow and containing a lump of bitumen mixed with earth. [drawing] |
 | 17873A | 32-40-60 | (none) | (none) | Model bricks.
Miniatures in baked clay of plano-convex bricks. Two have crescent incised on the side some have marks. Some of the bricks are not plano-convex but flat-topped with a long curved frog. L. 50mm, W. 30mm, H. 12mm [unclear what these measurements reference]. Others are not brick-shaped but oval and round on top with long frog. Others are straight on one side and curved on the other and rise on the top with a double curve frog with these are what maybe mixing bowls, square or circular, hollow and containing a lump of bitumen mixed with earth. [drawing] |
 | 17881 | 32-40-444 | (none) | (none) | Gold bar. Plain strip of fairly heavy gold plate with rounded ends. |
 | 17861 | 32-40-307 | (none) | (none) | Head of Puzuzu type Lapis lazuli roughly carved pierced for threading [drawing 1:1] |
 | 17882.2 | 32-40-244 | (none) | (none) | [.1-.2] Beads a small mixed collection of agate, carnelian, shell, marble, green quartzite (?), hematite and steatite and lapis . Paste = lentoids, rings, balls, barrels, bugles and one chisel shaped head. |
 | 17882.1 | 32-40-243 | (none) | (none) | [.1-.2] Beads a small mixed collection of agate, carnelian, shell, marble, green quartzite (?), hematite and steatite and lapis . Paste = lentoids, rings, balls, barrels, bugles and one chisel shaped head. |
 | 13055 | 30-12-602 | (none) | (none) | Bead. Carnelian double conoids and diamonds and flat carnelian beads. Agate square. 1 cat's eye (?) Chalcedony facetted barrels. Diamonds. |
 | 13059 | 30-12-524 | (none) | (none) | Hematite weight. Flat on one side, convex on the other. Type ? XIV. |
 | 13043 | 30-12-503 | (none) | (none) | 6 ring beads. Bone. |
 | 12799 | 30-12-277 | (none) | (none) | [A-B] 2 copper bangles. With double hammer headed ends. |
 | 13061 | 30-12-120 | (none) | (none) | Cowrie shell. |
 | 216 | (none) | 1923,1110.102 | (none) | Terracotta relief. [drawing 1:1] |
 | 440 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Fragment of large account tablet of Sumerian period. |
 | 445 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Fragment of cone. Ends of 13 lines. Unidentified. Placed in IN/No. 7 |
 | 506 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay saucer. Drab clay. Wheelmade. Kassite [Below]. Type LVI. |
 | 553 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay pot. Drab clay. Wheelmade, broken. Type VIII, but with hollow base and with traces of a spout. |