Context Title: Temenos Wall | TW     
Context Name (Excavation): TW     
Context Name (Publication): Temenos Wall     
Context Description: The excavation area abbreviation TW stands for Temenos Wall, a wall that surrounded the ziggurat terrace and its extended sacred space in the northern central portion of the city of Ur through much of its history. The wall may have begun in the Early Dynastic period, as Woolley found some indication of what he believed to be its earliest foundation. There was clearly an Ur III period version that ran south of the giparu and then further southeast to encompass the ehursag. This was the general line of the wall through the Isin-Larsa/Old Babylonian and into the Kassite period, though the Kassites made some changes in the northern portion. Finally, the Neo-Babylonians changed the wall greatly, expanding the area encompassed to the north and south and adding several gateways. The foundations of this later, quite massive, wall often destroyed earlier remains. Woolley explored parts of the temenos wall in many seasons and frequently used the TW abbreviation for the wall in any of its building periods. Other excavation area abbreviations include parts of the temenos, particularly NCF, PDW and BC. The temenos wall built by Urnamma was 6 meters thick and built of mud brick with a baked brick facing. Most of the baked brick had been removed, probably for later building. The Nebuchadnezzar and Nabonidus temenos wall had chambers within it and sported six gates into the temenos area. This area was known as e-gish-nu-gal (Woolley read this e-gish-shir-gal). At least one later interpretation conflates TW with the phrase Town Wall, but the wall surrounding Ur was always referred to as the city wall, (CLW).     
Season Number: 01: 1922-1923      
Season Number: 03: 1924-1925      
Season Number: 05: 1926-1927      
Season Number: 11: 1932-1933      
Season Number: 12: 1933-1934      

Objects: Temenos Wall | TW Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
17826 (none) (none) (none) Beads. Mixed: a long barrel of blue paste with gold caps, lentoids of carnelian, jasper, amazonite (?) and chrysoprase, crystal pendant and carnelian rings. Kassite.
17829 (none) (none) (none) Stela of black, white and red granite ? Oval-hipped = in section a rectangle with convex sides. On the face, a figure of a seated deity left with attendant standing behind and holding a staff. On the back, inscription in large coarse characters. On each narrow side a standing human figure. Figures and inscription have been done by rubbing not cutting the stone and are very summary and crude: the surface of the stone is damaged and much of the work is very hard to make out and part of the inscription seems to be deliberately effaced. Drawing HC.
17832 (none) 1932,1008.32 (none) Statuette of seated bull. White calcite. With square hole through the back to take an upright - The muzzle damaged by decay.
17852 (none) (none) (none) Beads. A mixed collection of carnelian, sard & agate lentoids & bugles, carnelian rings, lapis paste lentoids, glazed frit fluted ball, lapis ball, quartz lentoid, amethyst lentoid, pebble lentoid, 2 unshaped but pierced rock crystal lumps & a steatite cylinder seal completely defaced.
17861 32-40-307 (none) (none) Head of Puzuzu type Lapis lazuli roughly carved pierced for threading [drawing 1:1]
17865 (none) (none) (none) Head of Statue. White limestone. Female, very coarse and ugly work. The eyees are inlaid. The hair on top of the head was in a different material and was fixed on by a copper peg part of which remains in a hole in the crown : the ears are pierced to take earrings. The figure is broken away under the chin and just across the shoulders: enough of the latter is left to show that it was a draped figure. The statue had been broken in antiquity and mended with bitumen. Kassite.
17873A 32-40-60 (none) (none) Model bricks. Miniatures in baked clay of plano-convex bricks. Two have crescent incised on the side some have marks. Some of the bricks are not plano-convex but flat-topped with a long curved frog. L. 50mm, W. 30mm, H. 12mm [unclear what these measurements reference]. Others are not brick-shaped but oval and round on top with long frog. Others are straight on one side and curved on the other and rise on the top with a double curve frog with these are what maybe mixing bowls, square or circular, hollow and containing a lump of bitumen mixed with earth. [drawing]
17873B 32-40-61 (none) (none) Model bricks. Miniatures in baked clay of plano-convex bricks. Two have crescent incised on the side some have marks. Some of the bricks are not plano-convex but flat-topped with a long curved frog. L. 50mm, W. 30mm, H. 12mm [unclear what these measurements reference]. Others are not brick-shaped but oval and round on top with long frog. Others are straight on one side and curved on the other and rise on the top with a double curve frog with these are what maybe mixing bowls, square or circular, hollow and containing a lump of bitumen mixed with earth. [drawing]
17873C 32-40-62 (none) (none) Model bricks. Miniatures in baked clay of plano-convex bricks. Two have crescent incised on the side some have marks. Some of the bricks are not plano-convex but flat-topped with a long curved frog. L. 50mm, W. 30mm, H. 12mm [unclear what these measurements reference]. Others are not brick-shaped but oval and round on top with long frog. Others are straight on one side and curved on the other and rise on the top with a double curve frog with these are what maybe mixing bowls, square or circular, hollow and containing a lump of bitumen mixed with earth. [drawing]
17873D 32-40-63 (none) (none) Model bricks. Miniatures in baked clay of plano-convex bricks. Two have crescent incised on the side some have marks. Some of the bricks are not plano-convex but flat-topped with a long curved frog. L. 50mm, W. 30mm, H. 12mm [unclear what these measurements reference]. Others are not brick-shaped but oval and round on top with long frog. Others are straight on one side and curved on the other and rise on the top with a double curve frog with these are what maybe mixing bowls, square or circular, hollow and containing a lump of bitumen mixed with earth. [drawing]
17873E 32-40-64 (none) (none) Model bricks. Miniatures in baked clay of plano-convex bricks. Two have crescent incised on the side some have marks. Some of the bricks are not plano-convex but flat-topped with a long curved frog. L. 50mm, W. 30mm, H. 12mm [unclear what these measurements reference]. Others are not brick-shaped but oval and round on top with long frog. Others are straight on one side and curved on the other and rise on the top with a double curve frog with these are what maybe mixing bowls, square or circular, hollow and containing a lump of bitumen mixed with earth. [drawing]
17873F 32-40-65 (none) (none) Model bricks. Miniatures in baked clay of plano-convex bricks. Two have crescent incised on the side some have marks. Some of the bricks are not plano-convex but flat-topped with a long curved frog. L. 50mm, W. 30mm, H. 12mm [unclear what these measurements reference]. Others are not brick-shaped but oval and round on top with long frog. Others are straight on one side and curved on the other and rise on the top with a double curve frog with these are what maybe mixing bowls, square or circular, hollow and containing a lump of bitumen mixed with earth. [drawing]
17873G 32-40-66 (none) (none) Model bricks. Miniatures in baked clay of plano-convex bricks. Two have crescent incised on the side some have marks. Some of the bricks are not plano-convex but flat-topped with a long curved frog. L. 50mm, W. 30mm, H. 12mm [unclear what these measurements reference]. Others are not brick-shaped but oval and round on top with long frog. Others are straight on one side and curved on the other and rise on the top with a double curve frog with these are what maybe mixing bowls, square or circular, hollow and containing a lump of bitumen mixed with earth. [drawing]
17873H 32-40-67 (none) (none) Model bricks. Miniatures in baked clay of plano-convex bricks. Two have crescent incised on the side some have marks. Some of the bricks are not plano-convex but flat-topped with a long curved frog. L. 50mm, W. 30mm, H. 12mm [unclear what these measurements reference]. Others are not brick-shaped but oval and round on top with long frog. Others are straight on one side and curved on the other and rise on the top with a double curve frog with these are what maybe mixing bowls, square or circular, hollow and containing a lump of bitumen mixed with earth. [drawing]
17873I 32-40-68 (none) (none) Model bricks. Miniatures in baked clay of plano-convex bricks. Two have crescent incised on the side some have marks. Some of the bricks are not plano-convex but flat-topped with a long curved frog. L. 50mm, W. 30mm, H. 12mm [unclear what these measurements reference]. Others are not brick-shaped but oval and round on top with long frog. Others are straight on one side and curved on the other and rise on the top with a double curve frog with these are what maybe mixing bowls, square or circular, hollow and containing a lump of bitumen mixed with earth. [drawing]
17880 (none) 1932,1008.185 (none) Figurine. Of an animal, calf or dog (?) of soft white lime or frit. [drawing 1:1]
17881 32-40-444 (none) (none) Gold bar. Plain strip of fairly heavy gold plate with rounded ends.
17882.1 32-40-243 (none) (none) [.1-.2] Beads a small mixed collection of agate, carnelian, shell, marble, green quartzite (?), hematite and steatite and lapis . Paste = lentoids, rings, balls, barrels, bugles and one chisel shaped head.
17882.2 32-40-244 (none) (none) [.1-.2] Beads a small mixed collection of agate, carnelian, shell, marble, green quartzite (?), hematite and steatite and lapis . Paste = lentoids, rings, balls, barrels, bugles and one chisel shaped head.
17892B (none) (none) (none) Cone fragment. Unidentified. Mentions religion - their god.
18326 (none) (none) (none) Clay figurine of running animal hand modelled: baked clay. [drawing 1:1]
18327 (none) (none) (none) Tablet.
19488A (none) (none) (none) Clay cone. Part of. Inscribed on the base and stem : about half of the text on the base preserved
19488B (none) (none) (none) Clay cone. Part of. Inscribed on the base and stem : about half of the text on the base preserved
19488C (none) (none) (none) Clay cone. Part of. Inscribed on the base and stem : about half of the text on the base preserved

Media: Temenos Wall | TW Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
Ur Excavations VIII; The Kassite Period and the period of the Assyrian Kings Ur Excavations VIII; The Kassite Period and the period of the Assyrian Kings 1965 Woolley, Leonard (none)
Ur Excavations IX; The Neo-Babylonian and Persian Periods Ur Excavations IX; The Neo-Babylonian and Persian Periods 1962 Woolley, L. and Mallowan, Max (none)
Ur Excavations V: The Ziggurat and its Surroundings Ur Excavations V: The Ziggurat and its Surroundings 1939 Woolley Leonard (none)
  • 3 Media