Context Title: No. 1 Church Lane      
Context Name (Publication): No. 1 Church Lane 1     
Context Name (Publication): Hendur-sag Chapel1     
Context Name (Excavation): Wayside Chapel     
Context Name (Excavation): PaSag Chapel     
Context Description: Off the corner of Church Lane and Straight Street. This house is combined with Straight Street 1, rooms 1,2,3.      
Context Description: The chapel occupied a corner site fronting on Carfax; the main door of the chapel proper opened on Church Lane and a subsidiary entrance which served the little rooms probably appropriated to the officiating priests opened on Straight Street. Such changes as were made in the building during its existence did not involve any raising of its floor level; from the beginning this was well above the street. The walls, most of which had suffered severely, were of later date, constructionally, than those of the neighbouring house, No. 3 Church Lane, onto which they abutted.2     
Culture/Period: Isin-Larsa1     
[1] Imported from BM list of contexts.
[2] UE 7 p.125


Objects: No. 1 Church Lane Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
16573 52-30-96, 52-30-96 (none) (none) Clay tablet. [CARD MISSING Typed Transcription from British Museum Card]
16567 52-30-88, 52-30-88 (none) (none) Clay tablet. [CARD MISSING Typed Transcription from British Museum Card]
16347 31-43-361 (none) (none) Terracotta bed. 4 legs. Same type as 16346, but much more closely strung.
16345 31-43-356 (none) (none) Terracotta Chariot. Model. Cab with high back on which are figures in relief. 1 wheel only remains. Back of cab - facing yoke pole - has the figure in relief of a bull god. - bull like from from the waist down, human above. Figure is nude & wears a high conical hat and grasps a vertical pole in both hands. Bust full face, arms and lower half of body in profile. Above the figure is an upper register with a crescent supported by 2 oblique sticks and solar disk similarly supported - both in relief. 2 holes perforated horizontally through top of cap: Hole in front of cab to hold yoke pole 0013 in diam.
16345A 31-43-280 (none) (none) (none)
16331H 31-43-279 (none) (none) Collection of Mace heads Stone [A-F] 6 intact [G-J] 4 broken (half only) Squat pear shape Limestone, mottled, marble, red sandstone. Types [drawing] Vol VII Type [drawing} Incised decoration-lines running vertically down the mace head.
16331G 31-43-277 (none) (none) Collection of Mace heads Stone [A-F] 6 intact [G-J] 4 broken (half only) Squat pear shape Limestone, mottled, marble, red sandstone. Types [drawing] Vol VII Type [drawing} Incised decoration-lines running vertically down the mace head.
16331A 31-43-275 (none) (none) Collection of Mace heads Stone [A-F] 6 intact [G-J] 4 broken (half only) Squat pear shape Limestone, mottled, marble, red sandstone. Types [drawing] Vol VII Hts vary from 0055-0035 Type [drawing} Incised decoration-lines running vertically down the mace head. X Museum Tablet Room. House 3, A.H
16331B 31-43-275 (none) (none) Collection of Mace heads Stone [A-F] 6 intact [G-J] 4 broken (half only) Squat pear shape Limestone, mottled, marble, red sandstone. Types [drawing] Vol VII Hts vary from 0055-0035 Type [drawing} Incised decoration-lines running vertically down the mace head. X Museum Tablet Room. House 3, A.H
16543 31-43-274 (none) (none) Mace head, diorite (see U.16544) Dedicated to Pa-sag HC.30/III,7.
16349 31-43-269 (none) (none) Whetstone(?) Grey pebble-very roughly shaped. Flat on one side only. [drawing]
16408 31-43-2 (none) (none) Stamp seal. Circular, convex above of striped black and white marble, design almost entirely perished; worked mostly with the drill. [drawing 1:1]
16351A 31-43-167 (none) (none) [A-B] A pair of calcite beads. Lentoid-lozenge-shaped in section. One end of second bead missing. [drawing 1:1]
16331C (none) (none) (none) Collection of Mace heads Stone [A-F] 6 intact [G-J] 4 broken (half only) Squat pear shape Limestone, mottled, marble, red sandstone. Types [drawing] Vol VII Hts vary from 0055-0035 Type [drawing} Incised decoration-lines running vertically down the mace head. X Museum Tablet Room. House 3, A.H
16331D (none) (none) (none) Collection of Mace heads Stone [A-F] 6 intact [G-J] 4 broken (half only) Squat pear shape Limestone, mottled, marble, red sandstone. Types [drawing] Vol VII Hts vary from 0055-0035 Type [drawing} Incised decoration-lines running vertically down the mace head. X Museum Tablet Room. House 3, A.H
16331E (none) 1931,1010.121 (none) Collection of Mace heads Stone [A-F] 6 intact [G-J] 4 broken (half only) Squat pear shape Limestone, mottled, marble, red sandstone. Types [drawing] Vol VII Hts vary from 0055-0035 Type [drawing} Incised decoration-lines running vertically down the mace head. X Museum Tablet Room. House 3, A.H
16331F (none) 1931,1010.124 (none) Collection of Mace heads Stone [A-F] 6 intact [G-J] 4 broken (half only) Squat pear shape Limestone, mottled, marble, red sandstone. Types [drawing] Vol VII Hts vary from 0055-0035 Type [drawing} Incised decoration-lines running vertically down the mace head. X Museum Tablet Room. House 3, A.H
16342 (none) (none) (none) Mace head. White limestone. Pear-shaped.
16348 (none) (none) (none) Rubbing stone. Black Diorite.
16350 (none) (none) (none) Rattle. Terracotta. Normal type. Double hemishere with double serrated edge fastening the join. [drawing 1:1]
16351B (none) 1931,1010.125 (none) [A-B] Calcite Beads. A pair. Lentoid-Lozenge-shaped in section. One end of second bead missing. [drawing 1:1]
16352 (none) (none) (none) Terracotta ring. roughly shaped. [drawing 1:1]
16396 (none) 1931,1010.275 (none) Statuette of goddess. Standing on a rectangular plinth. Bronze(?) Solid casting. Standing figure draped in flounced kaukanes coat. High horned headdress. Hair done in a chignon at back to head, and 2 short fillets hang down in from of body just over shoulders. Arms appear to be bent at elbow, forearm held vertically against body. Rib runs down full length of back from chignon to top of plinth.
16424 (none) 1931,1010.1 (none) Statue. White limestone, with eyes inlaid with shell and lapis; traces of black paint on hair. Female figure standing, hands clasped in front of the body. Nose broken, one eye pupil restored. The hair is simply treated with curls across the forehead, then a broad bandeau; the back hair is brought up & over the bandeau in a small chignon and hangs in a heavy wave above the shoulders & at back of head. She wears a plain chiton & heavy cloak falling from the shoulders over the arms in straight lines to the feet. The feet are missing, the base of the stone being broken away; when found the statue was let into a round baase and bitumen had been plastered round it & smoothed down so as to make a spreading skirt at the expense of loss of design to the figure, which was this reduced from an original height ofc. 54mm to 37mm (the bitumen has been kept on by waxing). It had also been broken in half and mended with bitumen. The workmanship is not very good, and the decayed surface of the stone does it less than justice - but the type is a good classical one. The statue was obviously an antiquity given a place of honor in a temple which must date to circ. BC; so that the date of the statue might well be as early as the 3rd dynasty of UR.
16425 (none) (none) (none) Statue. White limestone; broken in half but complete. The eyes inlaid with lapis, brown-painted shell and steatite, the nose of plaster, yellow paint on top of head. Female figure, standing rigid, the hands clasped in front of the body; she wears a long garment with 7 pleated flounces reaching to the ground, the arms hiden by the second flounce with seems to be a short cape. Two long tresses of hair hang down in front over the shoulders, the rest of the hair hangs down behind in a heavy square-cut netting. A bandeau passes across the forehead and also it rises a flat sharp-edged disk marked by criss-cross lines. It is painted yellow & may represent the (early) gold ribbon headdress; in the top of it at the back are 3 holes in which must have been stuck hed ornaments after the fashion of the (early) comos. The ears are pierced for metal ear0ring. The nose (perhaps because the original had been broken off(?) was made separately; there was a deep slot to fasten it on; one half of the nose modeled in plaster (out in bad condition & mishappen) was found and has been provisionally attacked. The figure is extraordinarily ugly, and the workmanship is flaccid and mechanical.
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Media: No. 1 Church Lane Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
Ur Excavations VII; The Old Babylonian Period Ur Excavations VII; The Old Babylonian Period 1976 Woolley, L. and M. Mallowan (none)
  • 1 Media

Child Locations

Room 1 - Room 2 - Room 3 - Room 4