Room 2
Context Title: | Room 2 |
Context Name (Publication): | Room 21 |
Context Description: | Central Court1 |
Context Description: | Room 2, the courtyard had a sunken pavement in the middle with an impluvium, and under it a deep drain descending at least 4 metres below pavement level. The burnt-brick walls all rested on mud brick foundations, the latter were of poor quality mud bricks and very roughly built; the foundations of the NE wall were deeper than any other. In the SE corner of the court there was a heavy rectangular blocking of mud bricks, 0.26 X 0.165 X 0.075 m. very roughly laid. This blocking had obviously never had an exposed face, and was probably intended to serve as a kisui or support for the later party walls at this corner of the court where the foundations were of poor quality. The remains of two pavements were still preserved. The uppermost was built two courses above the footings of the burnt brick walls and consisted of mixed burnt-bricks, 0.30 sq. X 0.05 m. and 0.31 m. sq. This pavement probably belonged to the end of the Larsa period: the earlier pavement occurred no less than 1.6 m. below the upper pavement and contained burnt-bricks measuring 0.27 X 0.175 X 0.07 m. Between these two pavements there was a filling of ash and decayed mud brick, ll loosely packed, and evidently thrown in to effect the re-levelling which occurred when the burnt brick walls were erected over the older mud brick foundations at the end of the Larsa period. Below the level of the lowest pavement the soil was tightly packed and waterlogged and contained carinated sherds of Third Dynasty type. Under the foundations of the NE wall was the larnax grave LG/25,and 1.60 m. below the Larsa pavement were LG/2 6 and LG/27.2 |
[1] Imported from BM list of contexts. |
[2] UE 7 p.162 |
Object | U Number | Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) | Museum Number (BM Registration Number) | Museum Number (UPM B-number) | Description (Catalog Card) |
16321 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Bangle. Bronze. Plain circular with ends slightly overlapping. | |
17329 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Cylinder seal. Shell. White. Presentation scene. | |
16320 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Finger ring. silver. 3 strands of wire and fine embossed work in between. | |
16322A | (none) | 1935,0113.403 | (none) | Miniature tools. Bronze. [A-D] 4 model adzes and [E] 1 other instrument. Adze: thin metal. [drawing 1:1] | |
16322B | (none) | (none) | (none) | Miniature tools. Bronze. [A-D] 4 model adzes and [E] 1 other instrument. Adze: thin metal. [drawing] | |
16322C | (none) | (none) | (none) | Miniature tools. Bronze. [A-D] 4 model adzes and [E] 1 other instrument. Adze: thin metal. [drawing] | |
16322D | (none) | (none) | (none) | Miniature tools. Bronze. [A-D] 4 model adzes and [E] 1 other instrument. Adze: thin metal. [drawing] | |
16322E | (none) | (none) | (none) | Miniature tools. Bronze. [A-D] 4 model adzes and [E] 1 other instrument. Adze: thin metal. [drawing] | |
16319 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Necklace. 37 beads. Agate lentoids, carnelian balls, glazed frit double conoids, 1 lapis lazuli double conoid, 1 rectangular calcite bead, carnelian barrels, 1 gold double conoid with ridged ends. |
- 9 Objects
Media | Media Title | Title | Label | Author | Omeka Label |
Ur Excavations VII; The Old Babylonian Period | Ur Excavations VII; The Old Babylonian Period | 1976 | Woolley, L. and M. Mallowan | (none) | |
Social Variation in Ancient Mesopotamia: An Architectural and Mortuary Analysis of Ur in the Early S | Social Variation in Ancient Mesopotamia: An Architectural and Mortuary Analysis of Ur in the Early Second Millenium B.C. | 1990 | Luby, Edward Michael | (none) |
- 2 Media
Child Locations
LG/25 | AHG/40 - LG/26 | AHG/45 - LG/27 | AHG/47 - LG/27.5 | AHG/36
Ur > AH Site | AH > Straight Street | Division Street > No. 4 Straight Street > Room 2