Context Title: PG/57     


Objects: PG/57 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
8063 (none) 1928,1009.519 (none) Stone bowl. Dark steatite. Finely polished. Type LXII.
8064 (none) (none) B17123 Stone vase. White calcite. Type LVII.
8097 (none) (none) B16792 Beads. Very long bugles, 1 gold, 2 lapis, 3 carnelian, one of the latter facetted, & 4 small silver & 3 small gold balls. For original order see field notes.
8098 (none) 1928,1009.162 (none) Ear-ring? (or finger ring). A plain circlet of gold wire, the ends thickened & overlapping by half the circle. Broken.
8099 (none) 1928,1009.392 (none) Beads. Large shell rings. About 002 in diameter. In bad condition.
  • 5 Objects

Media: PG/57 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Ur Notes v5 p73 Ur Notes v5 p73 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Ur Notes v5 p74 Ur Notes v5 p74 (none)
  • 2 Media