Context Title: Larsa Grave     


Objects: Larsa Grave Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
6258A (none) (none) (none) (A) 1 black stone loom weight (B) 1 black flaked stone fragmentary (C) [C.1-.3] 3 fragments of solid copper from from 10mm to 20mm in thickness. (D) 1 square stone weight rounded at corners. (E-F) 2 broken crystal beads [drawing]
6258B (none) (none) (none) (A) 1 black stone loom weight (B) 1 black flaked stone fragmentary (C) [C.1-.3] 3 fragments of solid copper from from 10mm to 20mm in thickness. (D) 1 square stone weight rounded at corners. (E-F) 2 broken crystal beads [drawing]
6258C.1 87-28-47 (none) (none) (A) 1 black stone loom weight (B) 1 black flaked stone fragmentary (C) [C.1-.3] 3 fragments of solid copper from from 10mm to 20mm in thickness. (D) 1 square stone weight rounded at corners. (E-F) 2 broken crystal beads [drawing]
6258D (none) (none) (none) (A) 1 black stone loom weight (B) 1 black flaked stone fragmentary (C) [C.1-.3] 3 fragments of solid copper from from 10mm to 20mm in thickness. (D) 1 square stone weight rounded at corners. (E-F) 2 broken crystal beads [drawing]
6258E (none) (none) (none) (A) 1 black stone loom weight (B) 1 black flaked stone fragmentary (C) [C.1-.3] 3 fragments of solid copper from from 10mm to 20mm in thickness. (D) 1 square stone weight rounded at corners. (E-F) 2 broken crystal beads [drawing]
6258F (none) (none) (none) (A) 1 black stone loom weight (B) 1 black flaked stone fragmentary (C) [C.1-.3] 3 fragments of solid copper from from 10mm to 20mm in thickness. (D) 1 square stone weight rounded at corners. (E-F) 2 broken crystal beads [drawing]
6258C.2 (none) (none) (none) (A) 1 black stone loom weight (B) 1 black flaked stone fragmentary (C) [C.1-.3] 3 fragments of solid copper from from 10mm to 20mm in thickness. (D) 1 square stone weight rounded at corners. (E-F) 2 broken crystal beads [drawing]
6258C.3 (none) (none) (none) (A) 1 black stone loom weight (B) 1 black flaked stone fragmentary (C) [C.1-.3] 3 fragments of solid copper from from 10mm to 20mm in thickness. (D) 1 square stone weight rounded at corners. (E-F) 2 broken crystal beads [drawing]
6330 (none) (none) (none) (none)
6314A (none) (none) (none) (none)
6314B (none) (none) (none) (none)
6017 (none) (none) B16387 8 shaped colored beads, including crescent shaped agate pendant, shell and carnelian.
6060 (none) (none) (none) Alabaster [seems to be corrected as white calcite] pin. Chipped.
6208 (none) (none) (none) Black burnished bowl. Clay fragments. ? New typed.
6200 (none) 1927,0527.197 (none) Broken cylinder seal. Lapis lazuli. Scene of worshipping. To dNin-shubur, the messenger of heaven About BC 2100.
6050 (none) (none) (none) Broken earthenware bowl. Drab clay. Type CXCVI.
6175 (none) (none) (none) Clay bowl. Drab. Type [CXXI variant crossed out] Not type.
6213A (none) (none) (none) Clay (bowl) pot [pot seems to correct circled bowl]. Light drab. Mouth painted black Vertical markings about 10mm in length run from neck painted black. Identical with U.6034. Type CCXXII =CCXI, =RC.185, =L.91b [drawing]
6038 (none) (none) (none) Clay bowl. Bellied. Flat ring shaped base grooved below mouth. Drab. Type CCLXXIV.
6075 (none) 1927,0527.290 (none) Clay bowl. Black painted. Rounded base. Type CCX. Vol VII.
6219 (none) 1927,0527.63 (none) Clay bowl. Dark drab. Misshapen. Type CXCVI approximately. =L.
6076 (none) (none) (none) Clay bowl. Drab. Hemispherical. Misshapen,
6185 (none) (none) (none) Clay bowl. Light drab. Broken. Arched rim ring base.
6039 (none) (none) (none) Clay bowl. Light drab. Face decorated with thick black with shaped painted strips. Fragmentary. Part of rim missing. Not to scale [reference to drawing] Type 274 = 1L.35 [drawing]
6184 (none) (none) (none) Clay bowl. Light drab. Type CXCVI. =L.
  • Page 1 of 5
  • 25 of 123 Objects

Media: Larsa Grave Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
U6257 Catalog Card U6257 Catalog Card 1926 Woolley et al (none)
UPM Field Photo numbers UPM Field Photo numbers (none) (none) (none)
  • 2 Media

Sibling Locations

EH Grave