Context Title: D.8     
Context Name (Excavation): D 8     
Context Description: PFT     


Objects: D.8 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
14480F (none) (none) (none) Beads (5) clay. Imitation of those cut from shell cores with the spiral shewn. (NB, these seem to have been made on a string, not made & then pierced).
14480E (none) (none) (none) Beads (5) clay. Imitation of those cut from shell cores with the spiral shewn. (NB, these seem to have been made on a string, not made & then pierced).
14480D (none) (none) (none) Beads (5) clay. Imitation of those cut from shell cores with the spiral shewn. (NB, these seem to have been made on a string, not made & then pierced).
14480C (none) (none) (none) Beads (5) clay. Imitation of those cut from shell cores with the spiral shewn. (NB, these seem to have been made on a string, not made & then pierced).
14480B (none) (none) (none) [B-F] Beads (5) clay. Imitation of those cut from shell cores with the spiral shewn. (NB, these seem to have been made on a string, not made & then pierced).
14476 (none) 1930,1213.139 (none) Stamp seal. White marble(?) or pebble. scaraboid shape. Rudely engraved below thus: [drawing 1:1]
14455A (none) (none) (none) Stone bowl. White limestone. Type XCII. [drawing 2:5]
14455 (none) (none) (none) Clay bowl. ? Cf. 270 [drawing]
13713 (none) (none) (none) Model boat. In bitumen (broken). [drawing]
13712 (none) 1930,1213.521 (none) Cylinder seal. Pinkish-white marble. Design of a man fighting with an antelope and a bull, of which the latter is attacked by a lion; the man kneels on one knee. Very crude work.
  • 10 Objects

Sibling Locations

C.4 - C.5 - C.6 - C.7 - C.8 - D.4 - D.5 - D.6 - D.7 - E.4 - E.5 - E.6 - E.7 - E.8 - F.6 - F.8 - Graves


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Ur > Pit F > D.8