| 13727 | (none) | 1930,1213.546 | (none) | Bead. Dark grey pebble. Lentoid flattened on 1 side like a stamp seal, but plain underneath. [drawing] |
| 14407 | 31-17-86 | (none) | (none) | Figurine (amulet?) of a bull, white stone. Carved in the round: the eyes originally inlaid and in one is preserved the ring of white shell. Pierced behind the shoulder for suspension. [drawing 1:1] |
| 14472 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Pot sherds. Belonging to a single pot, painted, of Jemdet Nasr 3-color type: may for about 1/3 of the pot. |
| 14475 | (none) | 1930,1213.314 | (none) | Clay pot. Drab clay. Type CCCXIX. Not in catalog. |
| 14495 | 31-17-18 | (none) | (none) | Cylinder seal of white shell. The decoration consists simply of drill-point holes irregularly spaced over the whole surface. |
| 14496 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay ring of uncertain use. Not in catalog. [drawing] |
| 14909 | 31-17-317 | (none) | (none) | Clay pot. Plain red, burnished. Spouted pot, with a second (sham) spout: the real spout and the rim missing: raised bands on shoulder and down upper part of sides: found all cracked and removed in paper. |
| 14930 | (none) | 1930,1213.349 | (none) | Clay bottle(?) Miniature. Phallic. In the rim are 4 holes drilled through to the side of the neck. [drawing 1:1] |
| 14951 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Drain. Teracotta trough. Rectangular in section. Not in catalog. [drawing] |
| 14966 | (none) | 1930,1213.301 | (none) | Trough drain. Greensih clay (section). Loose in soil by the pottery kiln. Not in catalog. [drawing] |
| 15350 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay cup. TO painted ware. Greenish drab body, black lines round rim & belly: broken but complete. Type CCCXLV. Presented from the London share to Mr. Reckitt, by order of the director. |
| 15352 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay cup. TO ware, painted, greenish ground, black bands round irm & belly, broken but complete. Type CCCXLV. |