| 18308 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Stone vase fragment.
White calcite.
Bowl, shallow with carinated rim. On the outside a panel, complete, with inscription.
[drawing of cuneiform inscription]
Rimush |
 | 18310 | 33-35-260 | (none) | (none) | Clay seal impression. In a rectangular frame a guilloche, the strands made up of 3 narrow bands at one end, remains of an animal scene. |
 | 18313A | (none) | (none) | (none) | Inlay. Fragments of grey steatite. Hair of head or beard from a large figure. [drawing]
[A] One large piece thus [reference to drawing].
[B] One fragment from the upper part perhaps fitting on,
[C] and one single curl |
 | 18313B | (none) | (none) | (none) | Inlay. Fragments of grey steatite. Hair of head or beard from a large figure. [drawing]
[A] One large piece thus [reference to drawing].
[B] One fragment from the upper part perhaps fitting on,
[C] and one single curl |
 | 18313C | (none) | (none) | (none) | Inlay. Fragments of grey steatite. Hair of head or beard from a large figure. [drawing]
[A] One large piece thus [reference to drawing].
[B] One fragment from the upper part perhaps fitting on,
[C] and one single curl |
 | 18314A | (none) | 1933,1013.99 | (none) | Inlay. 2 fragments of, fitting together. Grey steatite. The hair of a large figure, carved in horizontal ripples with the single hairs denoted by roughly engraved wavy lines. [drawing] |
 | 18338 | (none) | 1933,1013.93 | (none) | Wig of dark steatite, for a small male figure the wig is complete. The hair is parted down the middle, then confined by three broad braided tresses wound roudn the head: a fringe comes over the forehead: the back hair falls in a plaited mass over the shoulders. |
 | 18347 | 33-35-155 | (none) | (none) | Fruit of gold and carnelian. A simple bead of carnelian shaped thus [reference to drawing], through which is a slender gold stem with a rounded cap above. |
 | 18352 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Tortoise of grey steatite. L. 23mm |