| 2983A | (none) | (none) | (none) | [A-F] Copper ore. Six pieces of varying sizes. Close to U.3045 (Tablet with Copper contract) From copper furnace.
Date of Bur-Sin |
 | 2983B | (none) | (none) | (none) | [A-F] Copper ore. Six pieces of varying sizes. Close to U.3045 (Tablet with Copper contract) From copper furnace.
Date of Bur-Sin |
 | 2983C | (none) | (none) | (none) | [A-F] Copper ore. Six pieces of varying sizes. Close to U.3045 (Tablet with Copper contract) From copper furnace.
Date of Bur-Sin |
 | 2983D | (none) | (none) | (none) | [A-F] Copper ore. Six pieces of varying sizes. Close to U.3045 (Tablet with Copper contract) From copper furnace.
Date of Bur-Sin |
 | 2983E | (none) | (none) | (none) | [A-F] Copper ore. Six pieces of varying sizes. Close to U.3045 (Tablet with Copper contract) From copper furnace.
Date of Bur-Sin |
 | 2983F | (none) | (none) | (none) | [A-F] Copper ore. Six pieces of varying sizes. Close to U.3045 (Tablet with Copper contract) From copper furnace.
Date of Bur-Sin |
 | 2992 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet (10 Col.). Date: "Year after that when Ibi-Sin "king of Ur, built the great walls of Nippur and Ur."
Text comptability
"98 servant (fem.) 63 children. Their oil "(ia) 1 gur, 177 qa - their fat (? ia) 3 gur, 60 qa "rations of the servant weavers (ush-bar) "of E-kar-zi-da, Month of Ezen-mah." H.C. |
 | 3033 | 47-29-174, 47-29-174 | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet with envelope. Receipt. Dated: "After year when Ibi-Sin king of "Ur built the great wallof Nippur and Ur. Seal impress: Lu-d( ) Son of Bur-a-mu Lu dSin. |
 | 3034 | 47-29-140, 47-29-140 | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Comptability gold and silver. Ibi-Sin (?) 3 2/3 shekel gold. 3 maneh 6 5/6 shekel 15 grain silver. Balance of revenue brought in. |
 | 3035 | 47-29-393, 47-29-393 | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. List of proper names (Pay list?) Time of Ibi-Sin. |
 | 3036 | (none) | 1948,0423.381 | (none) | Large clay tablet. Only part of one face preserved. Much broken. Comptability: list of various kinds of cloth and name of the workman or merchant. Time of Ibi-Sin. |
 | 3042 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Letter reverse damaged. Time of Ibi-Sin. Soldiers (workmen) sent on their way, may be returned. H.C. |
 | 3045 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Fragment. Time: Ibi-Sin. 6 talents, 43 manehs. Copper, from the merchants, entered in E-dubba. H.C. |
 | 3046 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Damaged. Time: Ibi-Sin king. Copper from the merchatns. Entered in E-dubba. H.C. |
 | 3049 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Only reverse preserved. Date: (Ibi-Sin) when he built the great wall Text: Comptability. Barley issued for the orchards of the temple, and of the district of Ga-eshki. H.C. |
 | 3050 | 47-29-193 | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Fragment. Time of Ibi-Sin. Comptability- Receipts in the names of several scribes for: wool, cloth, oil, perfume, barley. |
 | 3054 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Expenditure for royal offering, "in the temple of Nannar, in Ga-eshki, in the month "of Ezen-mah (great feast), year after that when Ibi-Sin king of Ur, built the great wall of Nippur "and Ur." Total: 1 gur 172 qa 10 gin grain for: beer of 2 kinds, floor 2 kinds, a-tir grain, sweet paste and butter, dates, salt, incense (for censer). Detail of shrines: 1) Throne in shrine of Nannar 2) Shrine Bar-dug-kam-kam (great pots) 3) Dub-lal 4) Crod ( ) 5) House of metal and lapis and door in front... H.C. |
 | 3073 | 47-29-176 | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet only reverse. Date: Ibi-Sin Text: Rations (grain, oil) of the female and male servants of E-kar-zi-da for one month. Among the men are classes: the craftsmen, the cowherdsmen, etc. H.C. |
 | 3080 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. (4 Columns) Date: (Ibi-Sin) When the daughter of the king married the palesi of Zabshali. Text: Operations of Dugga-ni-zid for 12 month. Total thread (gu) supplied, of flour (food) of the workers, and of days of female slave work (gim) per month - Special detail of the dead and sick - And balance of thread left. Work of the e-ush-bar, of e-dubba, of e-dub-shar ga-nun-na, and some supplimentary work shops. H.C. |
 | 3087 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet fragment. Time Ibi-Sur. Text - offering to statues. H.C. |
 | 3089 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet fragment. Date: Ibi-Sin. Text: Monthly account of barley and oil, rations of 35 male and female employees of E-kar-zi-da. H.C. (partly) |
 | 3090 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. 2 Columns. Date Ibi-Sin. Monthly report of cloth or garments (tug) entered into the tablet office of Ga-nun-mah 122 pieces of 12 varieties. H.C. (partly) |
 | 3091 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Clay tablet. Fragment. Date: Ibi-sin. Monthly pay list of the temple servants the trench diggers? The fern [fem?] miller, the keeper of orchards, the cowherds, the asses her, the shephards, etc. H.C. |
 | 3095 | (none) | 1948,0423.253 | (none) | Clay tablet. Broken. Date: Ibi-Sin. Text: Monthly estimate of rations (barley, oil, dates, fish) For the female (5) and male slaves (over 145) attached to E-kar-zi-da. H.C. (colophon) |
 | 3096 | (none) | (none) | (none) | Fragment of tablet. Liturgy (?) of dBur-dSin. |