Context Title: SIS 4-5     
Context Name (Publication): Seal Impression Strata 4-5     


Objects: SIS 4-5 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
18397A 33-35-293 (none) (none) [A-H] Clay jar sealing. Fragments of impressed with finely drawn linear design which contains possible hieroglyphic elements.
18398 33-35-297 (none) (none) Clay jar sealing. Fragment of. Stamped with linear design apparely including script elements. Good example.
18399A 33-35-300 (none) (none) Clay jar sealings, Fragments of. Impressed with complicated linear designs in fine raised lines.
18400A 33-35-305 (none) (none) Clay jar sealings. Fragments of. With curvilinear diaper pattern and pear-shaped filling ornament. One fragment has above the diaper pattern a row of animals.
18401A 33-35-311 (none) (none) [A-L] Clay jar sealings. Fragments of. With impressed decoration designs, mixed types.
18402A 33-35-323 (none) (none) [A-H] Clay jar sealings. Fragments of. With circular designs from stamp seals or from the ends of cylinders.
18403 33-35-331 (none) (none) Clay jar sealing, fragment of. Bearing a very clear impression of the cloth which was wrapped round it.
18404A 33-35-332 (none) (none) [A-S] Clay jar sealing. Fragment of. With impressed designs, apparently of milking scene (not all from the same seal) and round topped huts.
18405 33-35-344 (none) (none) Clay jar sealing, fragment of. With elaborate design including human figures.
18406A 33-35-351 (none) (none) [A-H] Clay jar sealings. Fragments of impressed with design of a procession of animals. (not from the same seal)
18407A 33-35-360 (none) (none) [A-Q] Clay jar sealings. Fragments of impressed with designs of fighting animals.
18408A 33-35-377 (none) (none) Clay jar sealings. Fragments of impressed with design of animals playing musical instrumentes.
18409A 33-35-380 (none) (none) [A-G] Clay jar sealings. Fragments of impressed with curvilinear designs of a rather large and coarse type.
18410 33-35-387 (none) (none) Clay jar sealing. Fragment of. With scene of two men fighting: pots and a gazelle.
18411 33-35-388 (none) (none) Clay jar sealing. Fragment of. Scene of two men with pots etc.
18412 33-35-389 (none) (none) Clay jar sealing. Fragment of. Scene of soldiers marching.
18413A (none) (none) (none) Clay jar sealings. Fragment of unclassified designs, mostly with men and animals.
18414A 33-35-432 (none) (none) [A-AG] Clay jar sealing. Fragments of. With impressions all from the same seal: man fighting animals.
18415A (none) 1933,1013.224 (none) Clay figurines. Crudely hand-modelled in dark clay. Nude female figures, steatopygous, the heads very small, the arms thick and short. The lower part of the legs of B missing.
18416 33-35-16 (none) (none) Clay figurine. Crudely hand-modelled in dark clay. Made to the top of the hips only: in the flat base is a hole to attach the figure to a trunk of some other material. The head is very small and birdlike, the arms like wings (? Under a cloak?)
18417 33-35-17 (none) (none) Baked clay figurine. Crudely hand-modelled. Nude female, to the hips only: the breasts attached in snowman technique (one missing), the nose pinched to a beak, the hair attached by a clay ribbon, the arms wing-like.
18418A (none) (none) (none) Terracotta figurine. Crudely hand-modelled. Female figure, to top of hips. Beak-like nose, no eyes, the hair pinched out to a flat horizontal ridge, the arms wing-like. B) Similar, but only head and neck.
18419 (none) (none) (none) Clay figurine. Lower part of, crudely modelled in dark clay. Round the bottom vertically incised lines represent a fringe of the skirt. The arms are wing-like (broken): the head missing.
18420A (none) 1933,1013.226 (none) Clay figurines. Crudely hand-modelled. No heads, flat wing-like arms, flat bases.
18421 (none) (none) (none) Terracotta figurine. Crudely hand-modelled. Represented down to the hips: no face, a scarf surrounds the neck and hangs down in front: the body apparently enveloped in a cloak.

Sibling Locations

SIS 1 - SIS 2 - SIS 3 - SIS 4 - SIS 4-6 - SIS 4-7 - SIS 4-8 - SIS 5 - SIS 6 - SIS 6-7 - SIS 7 - SIS 8