Context Title: Northeast     
Context Name (Publication): Northeast part of fort     
Context Description: The northeast part of Nebuchadnezzar's Fort in the western angle of the Temenos     


Objects: Northeast Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
17958 (none) 1932,1008.169 (none) Cylinder seal. Glazed frit. Kneeling man shooting many antlered gazelle.
18155 32-40-327 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Pale amethyst. Warrior in chariot shooting with bow and arrow: a fallen enemy beneath the horse's hooves. Poor cutting.
18129 (none) (none) (none) Glazed figure of a bearded (?) man in long plain drapery, the hands clasped below the breast. Head missing. Made of reddish clay covered with a fairly thick greenish-blue glaze now mostly bleached white.
17853 32-40-435, 32-40-435 (none) (none) Limestone fragment. Flaked off from a curved drum with inscription (nearly completed). --To Amurru; His God; (for) life; Warad-Sin; King of Larsa
17855 (none) 1932,1008.254 (none) Terracotta head of a ram? Crudely hand modelled. Broken off at the shoulders. Kassite.
18187 (none) (none) (none) Terracotta relief. Bearded god and goddess seated side by side and embracing. Both wear long flounced and pleated dresses. Poor confition, but complete.
18154A (none) (none) (none) [A-H] Copper bracelets. Eight. Worn four on each arm. Plain penannular rings, square in section.
18154B (none) (none) (none) [A-H] Copper bracelets. Eight. Worn four on each arm. Plain penannular rings, square in section.
18154C (none) (none) (none) [A-H] Copper bracelets. Eight. Worn four on each arm. Plain penannular rings, square in section.
18154D (none) (none) (none) [A-H] Copper bracelets. Eight. Worn four on each arm. Plain penannular rings, square in section.
18154E (none) (none) (none) [A-H] Copper bracelets. Eight. Worn four on each arm. Plain penannular rings, square in section.
18154F (none) (none) (none) [A-H] Copper bracelets. Eight. Worn four on each arm. Plain penannular rings, square in section.
18154G (none) (none) (none) [A-H] Copper bracelets. Eight. Worn four on each arm. Plain penannular rings, square in section.
18154H (none) (none) (none) [A-H] Copper bracelets. Eight. Worn four on each arm. Plain penannular rings, square in section.
18200A (none) (none) (none) [A] Beads. Agate and carnelian dates and flattened dates, carnelian ring, yellow glaze ring, lapis. 13 in all. [B ] Also one gold earring, thus [drawing 1:1]
18200B (none) (none) (none) [A] Beads. Agate and carnelian dates and flattened dates, carnelian ring, yellow glaze ring, lapis. 13 in all. [B ] Also one gold earring, thus [drawing 1:1]
18120A (none) (none) (none) [A] Beads. Carnelian balls and rings and tubular steatite cylinders and date-shaped. Carnelian eliptical, calcite eliptical jasper (?) biconvex square, hematite pear pendant, flattened rough pebble pendant and a few large paste beads, much decayed also. [B] 1 very small gold lunate earring. [C-D] 2 small silver earrings and [drawing] [E-F] two plain silver rings.
18120C (none) (none) (none) [A] Beads. Carnelian balls and rings and tubular steatite cylinders and date-shaped. Carnelian eliptical, calcite eliptical jasper (?) biconvex square, hematite pear pendant, flattened rough pebble pendant and a few large paste beads, much decayed also. [B] 1 very small gold lunate earring. [C-D] 2 small silver earrings and [drawing] [E-F] two plain silver rings.
18120B (none) (none) (none) [A] Beads. Carnelian balls and rings and tubular steatite cylinders and date-shaped. Carnelian eliptical, calcite eliptical jasper (?) biconvex square, hematite pear pendant, flattened rough pebble pendant and a few large paste beads, much decayed also. [B] 1 very small gold lunate earring. [C-D] 2 small silver earrings and [drawing] [E-F] two plain silver rings.
18120D (none) (none) (none) [A] Beads. Carnelian balls and rings and tubular steatite cylinders and date-shaped. Carnelian eliptical, calcite eliptical jasper (?) biconvex square, hematite pear pendant, flattened rough pebble pendant and a few large paste beads, much decayed also. [B] 1 very small gold lunate earring. [C-D] 2 small silver earrings and [drawing] [E-F] two plain silver rings.
18120E (none) (none) (none) [A] Beads. Carnelian balls and rings and tubular steatite cylinders and date-shaped. Carnelian eliptical, calcite eliptical jasper (?) biconvex square, hematite pear pendant, flattened rough pebble pendant and a few large paste beads, much decayed also. [B] 1 very small gold lunate earring. [C-D] 2 small silver earrings and [drawing] [E-F] two plain silver rings.
18120F (none) (none) (none) [A] Beads. Carnelian balls and rings and tubular steatite cylinders and date-shaped. Carnelian eliptical, calcite eliptical jasper (?) biconvex square, hematite pear pendant, flattened rough pebble pendant and a few large paste beads, much decayed also. [B] 1 very small gold lunate earring. [C-D] 2 small silver earrings and [drawing] [E-F] two plain silver rings.
18152A (none) (none) (none) [A] Beads. Carnelian tubular and date shaped, lapis date-shaped and discoid (variant) strung alternately: also 1 yellow stone discoid with them [B-C] 2 silver earring, both broken.
18152 (none) (none) (none) [A] Beads. Carnelian tubular and date shaped, lapis date-shaped and discoid (variant) strung alternately: also 1 yellow stone discoid with them [B-C] 2 silver earring, both broken.
18152C (none) (none) (none) [A] Beads. Carnelian tubular and date shaped, lapis date-shaped and discoid (variant) strung alternately: also 1 yellow stone discoid with them [B-C] 2 silver earring, both broken.

Sibling Locations

House 4 - NNCFG/1 - Room C6 - Southwest

Child Locations

House 1 - House 3


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Ur > NNCF > Northeast