Context Title: Private Graves 1401-1500     
Context Name (Publication): Private Graves 1401-1500     


Objects: Private Graves 1401-1500 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
(none) 30-12-522 (none) (none) (none)
11990 (none) (none) (none) Cylinder Seal. Greenish white calcite, translucent. [Annotated] Inscription: Kalam-il (DU =?) ra-gab =Kalam-il envoy (or the like). [Annotated] HC..17.
12463A 30-12-598 (none) (none) Gold fillets. [A-F] Six. Thin leaf gold. All worn on head of one man. [drawing]
12463B (none) 1929,1017.49 (none) Gold fillets. [A-F] Six. Thin leaf gold. All worn on head of one man. [drawing]
12463C 30-12-599 (none) (none) Gold fillets. [A-F] Six. Thin leaf gold. All worn on head of one man. [drawing]
12463D 30-12-600 (none) (none) Gold fillets. [A-F] Six. Thin leaf gold. All worn on head of one man. [drawing]
12463E (none) 1929,1017.48 (none) Gold fillets. [A-F] Six. Thin leaf gold. All worn on head of one man. [drawing]
12463F (none) 1929,1017.50 (none) Gold fillets. [A-F] Six. Thin leaf gold. All worn on head of one man. [drawing]
12464 30-12-603 (none) (none) Gold diadem. A plain oval of sheet gold with a small hole at each end. Found not on the head but against a silver vase by the hands
12465 30-12-595 (none) (none) Gold ribbon. Wound in a spiral coil probably round a lock of hair (found on and under the head). Broken into several pieces.
12466 (none) 1929,1017.26 (none) Hair ring. Gold. Three coils of fairly thick gold wire. Found not on the head but with the silver vase etc by the hands, between the 2 earrings U.12467[A-B], as if the had been tied together.
12467.1 (none) 1929,1017.19 (none) [.1-.2] Gold earrings. A pair coiled with ends lunate, one end is single the other splits into 2 lobes. Thin metal over a core probably bitumen. [drawing 1:1]
12467.2 30-12-636 (none) (none) [.1-.2] Gold earrings. A pair coiled with ends lunate, one end is single the other splits into 2 lobes. Thin metal over a core probably bitumen. [drawing 1:1]
12468 30-12-623 (none) (none) Gold earring. With lunate ends, small and solid.
12469 (none) 1929,1017.4 (none) Gold amulet. In the form of a standing goat, its head slightly turned over the left shoulder (a hole runs from right shoulder to the tail) [drawing]
12470 (none) 1929,1017.18 (none) Cylinder seal. Lapis, with gold caps. 2 men and 2 lions fighting and an inscription intentionally defaced.
12471 30-12-38 (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Lapis with gold caps. Presentation scene with seated god and 2 standing figures.
12472A 30-12-577 (none) (none) [A-D] Gold bracelets: 4. Penannular rings of plain gold. Two are very solid and heavy. Two are lighter, made by hammering thin gold plate round a wire (?) which has been withdrawn (A was on the right arm, the other on the left).
12472B 30-12-578 (none) (none) [A-D] Gold bracelets: 4. Penannular rings of plain gold. Two are very solid and heavy. Two are lighter, made by hammering thin gold plate round a wire (?) which has been withdrawn (A was on the right arm, the other on the left).
12472C (none) 1929,1017.15 (none) [A-D] Gold bracelets: 4. Penannular rings of plain gold. Two are very solid and heavy. Two are lighter, made by hammering thin gold plate round a wire (?) which has been withdrawn (A was on the right arm, the other on the left).
12472D (none) 1929,1017.14 (none) [A-D] Gold bracelets: 4. Penannular rings of plain gold. Two are very solid and heavy. Two are lighter, made by hammering thin gold plate round a wire (?) which has been withdrawn (A was on the right arm, the other on the left).
12473A (none) (none) (none) [A-B] 2 silver bracelets. Heavy penannular rings (one broken)
12473B (none) (none) (none) [A-B] 2 silver bracelets. Heavy penannular rings (one broken)
12474.1 30-12-566 (none) (none) [.1-.2] Beads. A very long chain composed of large and small jasper, chalcedony, agate, sard, marble, carnelian and other stones, cut as bugles, lentoids, barrels and flattened square-ended lentoids, alternating with gold balls, some plain, some ribbed, and one with relief pattern. These seem to have formed one chain but it must have passed two or three time round the neck: the beads covered a considerable area but lay very thickly under the head. Restrung on original pattern but not in original order. [additional drawing on back of catalog card] [drawing]
12474.2 30-12-567 (none) (none) [.1-.2] Beads. A very long chain composed of large and small jasper, chalcedony, agate, sard, marble, carnelian and other stones, cut as bugles, lentoids, barrels and flattened square-ended lentoids, alternating with gold balls, some plain, some ribbed, and one with relief pattern. These seem to have formed one chain but it must have passed two or three time round the neck: the beads covered a considerable area but lay very thickly under the head. Restrung on original pattern but not in original order. [additional drawing on back of catalog card] [drawing]
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  • 25 of 190 Objects

Media: Private Graves 1401-1500 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
Ur Excavations II; The Royal Cemetery Ur Excavations II; The Royal Cemetery 1934 Woolley, Leonard (none)
PG1422 Field Notes PG1422 Field Notes 1922-1934 Woolley et al (none)
UPM Field Photo numbers UPM Field Photo numbers (none) (none) (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p202 Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p202 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p203 Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p203 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p204 Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p204 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p205 Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p205 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p206 Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p206 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p207 Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p207 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p208 Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p208 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p209 Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p209 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p210 Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p210 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p211 Royal Cemetary Notes 1238-1407_p211 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Ur Notes v15 p202 Ur Notes v15 p202 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Ur Notes v15 p203 Ur Notes v15 p203 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Ur Notes v15 p204 Ur Notes v15 p204 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Ur Notes v15 p205 Ur Notes v15 p205 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Ur Notes v15 p206 Ur Notes v15 p206 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Ur Notes v15 p207 Ur Notes v15 p207 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Ur Notes v15 p208 Ur Notes v15 p208 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Ur Notes v15 p209 Ur Notes v15 p209 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Ur Notes v15 p209_V Ur Notes v15 p209_V (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Ur Notes v15 p210 Ur Notes v15 p210 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Ur Notes v15 p211 Ur Notes v15 p211 (none)
Woolley's Field Note Cards Woolley's Field Note Cards Ur Notes v16 p1 Ur Notes v16 p1 (none)
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  • 25 of 117 Media


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Ur > Royal Cemetery | PG > Private Graves 1401-1500


Woolley, Leonard. (1934) Ur Excavations II; The Royal Cemetery, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Woolley et al. (1922-1934) PG1422 Field Notes, Unpublished.

UPM Field Photo numbers, .

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Nissen, Hans. (1966) Zur Datierung des Konigsfriedhofes von Ur. , Bonn, Germany: Rudolph Habelt Verlag. .