Context Title: Ur Hinterland     
Context Name (Publication): Ur Hinterland     
Context Description: This term describes the area around Ur. It includes the sites surrounding Ur from where objects were brought in by the workers.      

Objects: Ur Hinterland Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
2568 (none) (none) (none) _Seal impression_ on Fragment of clay sealing, with marks of strings at the back. Jar stopper : Procession of worshipers approaching [drawing] an altar? or a deity and bringing a kid offering About BC. 2400. Diqdiqqeh 1923-1924
6063D (none) (none) (none) [Seems to have been added to U.6063 catalog card at a later time, explains that Bronze arrowheads. 3 petal shaped grooves running to a point. B. [drawing 1:1]
17943A 32-40-109 (none) (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943B 32-40-110 (none) (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943C 32-40-111 (none) (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943D 32-40-112 (none) (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943E 32-40-113 (none) (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943F 32-40-114 (none) (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943G 32-40-115 (none) (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943H (none) 1932,1008.61 (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943I (none) 1932,1008.62 (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943J (none) 1932,1008.63 (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943K (none) 1932,1008.64 (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943L (none) 1932,1008.65 (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943M (none) 1932,1008.66 (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943N (none) 1932,1008.67 (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943O (none) 1932,1008.68 (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943P (none) (none) (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943Q (none) (none) (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943R (none) (none) (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943S (none) (none) (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
17943T (none) (none) (none) [One stone not listed as having material, possibly jasper or steatite] [Unclear which flints correspond with which museum numbers] Polished flints. [A-D] Diorite [E-G] Jasper [H-L] Basalt [M] Steatite [N] Quartzite [O] [Unspecified] [P-T] [Additional museum numbers: unspecified]
(none) (none) (none) (none) [Card Missing]
(none) (none) (none) (none) [Card Missing]
(none) (none) (none) (none) [Card Missing]
  • Page 1 of 110
  • 25 of 2743 Objects

Media: Ur Hinterland Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
UPM Field Photo numbers UPM Field Photo numbers (none) (none) (none)
Ur Excavations IV; The Early Periods Ur Excavations IV; The Early Periods 1955 Woolley, L. (none)
Ur Excavations VII; The Old Babylonian Period Ur Excavations VII; The Old Babylonian Period 1976 Woolley, L. and M. Mallowan (none)
  • 3 Media

Sibling Locations

Unknown - Ur