Context Title: Ningal Temple | HD     
Context Name (Excavation): Hall's Dump     
Context Name (Publication): Ningal Temple; Southern Ziggurat Terrace     
Context Description: The excavation area abbreviation HD stands for Hall's Dump. When H.R. Hall investigated portions of the ziggurat in 1919, he left a great deal of back-dirt to the south of the structure. Woolley worked for several seasons clearing the rest of the ziggurat and in season 3 he removed Hall's back-dirt dump. It had covered most of the southern ziggurat terrace, and moving it revealed a temple to Ningal of the Neo-Babylonian and Kassite periods as well as a series of rooms of these late periods probably used for storage. In the earlier periods, the southern terrace was largely free from structures.     
Season Number: 03: 1924-1925      

Objects: Ningal Temple | HD Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
3026 (none) 1927,1003.91 (none) Bronze implement. Genus unknown : both ends flattened. In text: Neo-Babylonian period (10) and Fig.
3027 (none) (none) (none) Stone weight. Blue stone pebble with 2 sides ground flat. Type ? VIII
3031 (none) 1927,1003.4 (none) Door-socket of Bur-Sin. Blue stone. Same inscription U.295 (Photo 24) To Nin-gal, his lady Bur-Sin mighty hero king of Ur, king of the 4 regions of the world has built her beloved house, Gi(g)-par azag for his life he has dedicated.
3032 (none) (none) (none) Ur-Engur Door-socket. Common in scripot: builder of E-Nannar. In text: Kassite period(13)
3037 (none) (none) (none) Bur-Sin. Door-socket. Blue stone. Flaking off. To Ningal. Builts Gig-par azag. Duplicate of U.3031. In text: Neo-Babylonian period (8).
3079 (none) 1927,1003.67 (none) Polished celt. Of dark green stone. [drawing 1:1]
3105 (none) 1927,1003.20 (none) Gudean clay cone. Fragment. To Nina, the priestess lady, lady of In-dubba, his lady, Gudea, patesi of Lagash, has done the proper thing? Cf. SAKI p.142 Backstein H.
3108 (none) (none) (none) Imitation celt. Of white stone, perhaps originally as pendant. In text: Neo-Babylonian period (14).
3112 (none) 1927,1003.42 (none) Cone of Warad-Sin. Fragment. Variation of inscription: SAKI p.212 B.
3120 (none) (none) (none) Small pot of bitumen. Sketch pattern 1:1. [drawing 1:1]
3122A 29-174-3 (none) (none) [A] Pottery vase. Of pinkish ware with narrow base opening out to splayed foot. Type CXCIII. =RC.74, =L9b. (B) Thinner.
3122B (none) (none) (none) [A] Pottery vase. Of pinkish ware with narrow base opening out to splayed foot. Type CXCIII. =RC.74, =L9b. (B) Thinner.
3125 (none) (none) (none) Gold bead. With bitumen core blocking one hole. One end bent in. Spherical bead. In text: Neo-Babylonian period (7) in Cat.
3127 (none) (none) (none) Polished celt. Of dark blue stone, pierced at top. [drawing 1:1]
3140 (none) 1927,1003.100 (none) Copper staple. With eye presumably for suspension [drawing 1:1]
3158 (none) (none) (none) Votive stone of Utu-hegal (BC 2350). Fragment diorite. Text: (To Nin-)gal, (beloved wife of) Sin, (his lady), (for) the life, of Utu-hegal, king of Uruk, king of the (4 regions of the world) Ur ( dEngur?) vice [regent] of Ur, (to) the mother of E-gish(-shir)-gal in Ur... utu Hegal, king of the Vth uruk Dynasty before Ur dEngur. H.C.
3161 (none) (none) (none) Brick of Sin-balatsu-igbi. 12 lines inscription.
3172 (none) (none) (none) Ur-Engur Door-socket. Usual inscription. In text: Kassite period (14)
3239 (none) (none) (none) Bitumen fragment covered with blue coloring matter. Color doubtfully from lapis lazuli powder more probably copper.
3243 (none) (none) (none) Bronze dress pin. Long and thin with sharp point and slightly flattened head. Present length (highly bent): 156mm. Diameter: 4mm.
3244 (none) 1927,1003.7 (none) Gudea Foundation Tablet. Soapstone. To dNindar, the priest king, his king, Gudea, patesi of Lagash has built his beloved house, E-lal-tum (House where honey is brought), his KI-AB-DI-KI H.C.
3246 (none) (none) (none) Stone mould. For beads etc. in text: Neo-Babylonian period(14)
3249A (none) (none) (none) [A-M] 13 Clay cones of Sin-balatsu-iqbi. To Nin-gal the great lion of E-gish-shir-gal the lady of the beloved crown (Nin-men-na) of Ur, his lady, Sin-balatsu-iqbi, vice regent of Ur, has built anew the Gig-par shrine of Nin-lil, the beloved bride of Sin. A statue representing Nin-gal he had made. In the shrine of dHU-DU (the god who knows = her husband?) he introduced it. In E-nir- (or E-nun) the place erected for her rites, he fixed it. H.C.
3249C (none) 1927,1003.16 (none) [A-M] 13 Clay cones of Sin-balatsu-iqbi. To Nin-gal the great lion of E-gish-shir-gal the lady of the beloved crown (Nin-men-na) of Ur, his lady, Sin-balatsu-iqbi, vice regent of Ur, has built anew the Gig-par shrine of Nin-lil, the beloved bride of Sin. A statue representing Nin-gal he had made. In the shrine of dHU-DU (the god who knows = her husband?) he introduced it. In E-nir- (or E-nun) the place erected for her rites, he fixed it. H.C.
3249L (none) 1927,1003.19 (none) [A-M] 13 Clay cones of Sin-balatsu-iqbi. To Nin-gal the great lion of E-gish-shir-gal the lady of the beloved crown (Nin-men-na) of Ur, his lady, Sin-balatsu-iqbi, vice regent of Ur, has built anew the Gig-par shrine of Nin-lil, the beloved bride of Sin. A statue representing Nin-gal he had made. In the shrine of dHU-DU (the god who knows = her husband?) he introduced it. In E-nir- (or E-nun) the place erected for her rites, he fixed it. H.C.
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Media: Ningal Temple | HD Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
Ur Excavations V: The Ziggurat and its Surroundings Ur Excavations V: The Ziggurat and its Surroundings 1939 Woolley Leonard (none)
  • 1 Media

Sibling Locations

Courtyard BB - PDW - Room FF - Room GG - Room SW 2 - Ziggurat

Child Locations

HD.1 - HD.2 - HD.21 - HD.3 - HD.5 - HD.6 - HD.8