Context Title: Unit 2     
Context Name (Excavation): 21     
[1] Unsure if level, unit, or grave.


Objects: Unit 2 Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
17402 (none) 1931,1010.122 (none) Mace head. Stone. Dark grey. Pear shaped, squat.
17255 (none) (none) (none) Tablet [CARD MISSING Typed Transcription from British Museum Card]
17396 (none) (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Agate. Originally had studs at each end. Copper stamp protrudes beyond the end of the seal. Winged dragons. Rampant.
17398 (none) (none) (none) Cylinder seal. Steatite. Dark green. Presentation scene. Crescent moon.
17399 (none) (none) (none) Flat seal. Steatite. Black. Winged dragon squatting. Tab anal. [drawing 1:1]
17403 (none) (none) (none) Vase. Baked clay. Glazed. Blue bleached white. Type 1DLXXI. Persian. =225P.
17406 31-43-228 (none) (none) Pin. Bone. Carved head. Tip missing. Tab anal. [drawing 1:1]
17407A 31-43-235 (none) (none) [A-B] 2 steatite knobs. For inlay. With a rosette pattern on the upper side consisting of a 8 shell petals with one inlaid shell center piece enclosed in a dark blue paste ring. Perforated with three holes for purpose of fixing. Tab anal. [drawing]
17408 (none) (none) (none) Beads. Glass paste. Copper. Sard. Calcite. Granite. For order see field note.
17410 (none) (none) (none) Signet ring. Copper. Oval bezel.
17411 (none) (none) (none) Beads. 1 carnelian ring bead. 1 Carnelian double conoid. 1 elongated sard (?) double conoid.
17412 (none) (none) (none) Flat seal. Quartzite? Reddish brown. [drawing]
17413 (none) (none) (none) Kohl pin. Iron. With bent head. Tip missing. [drawing]
17414 31-43-238 (none) (none) Fibula. Copper. [Type] 3. [drawing 1:1]
17407B (none) (none) (none) [A-B] 2 steatite knobs. For inlay. With a rosette pattern on the upper side consisting of a 8 shell petals with one inlaid shell center piece enclosed in a dark blue paste ring. Perforated with three holes for purpose of fixing. Tab anal. [drawing]
  • 15 Objects

Sibling Locations

Graves - Unit 4


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