Context Title: Ziggurat     
Context Name (Publication): Ziggurat     
Context Name (Excavation): Zig.     
Context Description: The ziggurat was a focus of Woolley's work in many seasons. It was covered in millennia of dirt and it took the initial seasons just to clear this away. In the process, many artifacts were discovered but Woolley did not assign a separate excavation area abbreviation other than Zig. and this does not always refer solely to the Ziggurat but also to its immediate surroundings. When Woolley listed Ziggurat or Zig as the context for an artifact, he usually included that it was at the foot, along the south wall, or some other region of the ziggurat itself. In 1931, however, he began using the code Zig.31 to indicate the deep cuts across and in front of the northern terrace that were essentially under the excavation area PDW. Many of the artifacts with the excavation area abbreviation Zig.31 come from the Ubaid period. The terrace was packed with soil gathered from earlier deposits at Ur, and thus the fill itself contained very early remains. J.G. Taylor first investigated the ziggurat in 1854,R. Campbell Thomson in 1918 and HR Hall in 1919. Hall uncovered the southern portion and dug into the ziggurat itself to retrieve foundation cylinders of Nabonidus. Woolley worked extensively on the ziggurat, stating that there were only three seasons where it was not worked on in some form. In some of these seasons, however, it was really the ziggurat terrace and its buildings that were the main focus.     

Objects: Ziggurat Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
1111 (none) (none) (none) Fragment (711) of New Babylonian Clay cylinder with inscription for Nabonidus (cf. Langdon, Neubab.Konigsinscar. P.250ff.) Duplicate of U.1131, U.1132 and other fragments unnumbered making up part of the complete cylinder.
1131 (none) (none) (none) Fragment from middle of a baked clay cylinder of Nabonidus (cf. U.1132, U.1111) in 2 columns 2 3/8 [60.325mm] by 1 3/4 [44.45mm] inscription concerning the building of E-lugal-galga-si-sa, the Ziggurat of Ur. Joins U.1132, and another fragment unnumbered making up part of complete cylinder.
1132 (none) (none) (none) Fragment from left side of backed clay cylinder of Nabonidus. Part of same object as U.1113, but does not join. (Joins a later discovered fragmnet, completing the left end of the cylinder) Joins U.1131, and another fragment unnumbered making up part of complete cylinder.
1155 (none) (none) (none) Fragment from small baked clay barrel-cylinder of Nabonidus. Fragments of 4 lines, from Column I. Inscription of duplicate of U.1111, U.1113, etc. Probably part of same object as U.1154 but does not join.
1156 (none) (none) (none) Fragment of baked clay barrel-cylinder of nabonidus, inscription duplicate of that upon U.1111, U.1113, etc. Fragments of 15 lines, from column I.
1157 (none) (none) (none) Portion of baked clay barrel-cylinder of Nabonidus, inscribed as U.1111, U.1131, etc. 16 lines, column I and 5 column II.
1193 (none) (none) (none) Portion of a shell cylinder (split down middle), with part of inscription. A-tu, mar?
1198 (none) (none) (none) Fragment from upper part of a tablet with portions of 8 lines of accounts. About period of First Dynasty of Babylon.
1455 (none) 1924,0920.395 (none) Fragment from the rim of a mottled black and white stone vase, with the remains of an inscription of Ennapadda, priest of Nnar, and son of Ur-Nammu, King of Ur. Cf. U.18224. Cf. Ur Texts No. 25
1515 (none) (none) (none) Large clay cone. Nearly complete, but surface damaged. Inscription of Warad-Sin, king of Larsa, duplicate of U.1200, etc.
1518 (none) (none) (none) Fragment of baked clay cylinder of Nabonidus. Fragments of 5 lines from column I of inscription duplicate of U.1111, etc.
1521 (none) (none) (none) Fragment from lip of small alabaster vase with trace of archaic inscription.
1560A (none) 1924,0920.243 (none) [A-B] Two fragments of large baked clay cylinder of Nabonidus: containing parts of column I & II of the inscription on cylinder K.1688 in the British Museum. These fragments possibly belong to that cylinder.
1560B (none) 1924,0920.244 (none) [A-B] Two fragments of large baked clay cylinder of Nabonidus: containing parts of column I & II of the inscription on cylinder K.1688 in the British Museum. These fragments possibly belong to that cylinder.
1635 (none) (none) (none) Fragment of baked clay cylinder of Nabonidus. Duplicate of U.1111, etc., containing last 12 lines of column I.
1664 (none) (none) (none) Fragment of brick, with part of first 5 lines of inscription of Sin-balatsu-igbi.
1696 (none) 1924,0920.396 (none) Alabaster vase. Fragment. With remains of archaic inscription.
1697 (none) 1924,0920.392 (none) Fragment of baked clay cone of Warad-Sin duplicate of U.19, U.700, etc. Contains beginnings of Column I lines 8-12.
1712 (none) (none) (none) Fragment from middle of a small baked clay cylinder of Nabonidus, containing parts of both columns duplicate of U.1111, etc.
2634 (none) 1927,1003.23 (none) Cone of Su-mu-ilum (of Larsa). Text: To Innana, his lady, Sumuilum the mighty hero, king of Ur, king of sumer and Akkad, has built, E-gi-na-ab-tum, azag--, her beloved house, in Ur. The 25th year of Gungunu king of Larsa is dated from the construction of E-gi-na-ab-tum azag of nannar (= Entreput sacre: sutummu, according to Th. D.) For the life of Gungunu, king of Ur, En-anna-tum high priest of Nannar at ur, son of Ishme Dagan, king of Sumer and Akkad, has built E-gi-na-ab-tum azagga H.C. R1 No. 114.
7816 (none) (none) (none) Stone tablet (fragmt). Limestone. Prob. of Kurigalzu. The insc. in so far as it is extent being identical with that of Kurigalzu's found. tablet U3019 except that line 9(?) is e-kis-sir-gal. HC.36. B.
7822 (none) (none) (none) Brick with game board?
7825 (none) (none) (none) Inscribed duck weight Diorite. A crescent. of Dungi; weight 5 mana. B Type VI. HC.37.
7830 (none) (none) (none) Socket. Diorite. UrNammu = 2749 etc.
7844 37-7-96 (none) (none) Tablet. Fragment. Proper names. In rather archaic writing.
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Media: Ziggurat Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Media Media Title Title Label Author Omeka Label
UPM Field Photo numbers UPM Field Photo numbers (none) (none) (none)
Field Photographs Field Photographs GN0097 GN0097 (none)
Field Photographs Field Photographs GN0098 GN0098 (none)
Field Photographs Field Photographs GN0099 GN0099 (none)
Ur Excavations V: The Ziggurat and its Surroundings Ur Excavations V: The Ziggurat and its Surroundings 1939 Woolley Leonard (none)
  • 5 Media