Objects: U_07832-01_final.jpg Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
7832A (none) (none) (none) [A-P] Tablets. Various fragments - (A) Semitic letter to Ur Nannar; (B) Another to same; (C) with b??; [D-F] Account lists of udu-tu(d), gu(d), and -; (G-H) Fragments of dates, h = Rim-Sin 7; (I) Fragments of proper names; [J] [Not assigned] (K-M) Three considerable fragments. cf. with k.k. U.7804C?(mm) fragment, c.f. with l U.7827W; (N) Fragment [DISH] Istar-um-mi (?); (O) Label, with string-hole; (F) Field plan; [Is this a reference to something other than a tablet] (P) (see whether this belongs with one of the half tablets in U.7802) (cf. also U.7827).
  • 1 Object