Attribution: Woolley's Field Photos. Season 5.     
Attribution: Woolley's Field Photos. Season 5.     
Attribution: Woolley's Field Photos. Season 5.     
Attribution: Woolley's Field Photos. Season 5.     
Attribution: Woolley's Field Photos. Season 5.     
Attribution: Woolley's Field Photos. Season 5.     
Attribution: Woolley's Field Photos. Season 5.     
Attribution: Woolley's Field Photos. Season 5.     
Media Type: Field Photo     
Media Type: Field Photo     
Media Type: Field Photo     
Media Type: Field Photo     
Media Type: Field Photo     
Media Type: Field Photo     
Media Type: Field Photo     
Media Type: Field Photo     

Objects: BM-Ur-GN-0833_300dpi2500pixSize.jpg Export: JSON - XML - CSV

Object U Number Museum Number (UPM Date Reg Number) Museum Number (BM Registration Number) Museum Number (UPM B-number) Description (Catalog Card)
7952A (none) (none) (none) [A-B] Pair of earrings. Gold and silver. A spiral ring of gold with thickened lobe ends supports a similar gold ring; from this hangs a similar ring of silver (the silver ring is in each case broken). [drawing]
7952B (none) (none) (none) [A-B] Pair of earrings. Gold and silver. A spiral ring of gold with thickened lobe ends supports a similar gold ring; from this hangs a similar ring of silver (the silver ring is in each case broken). [drawing]
8002 (none) 1928,1009.68 (none) Gold and lapis chain. A very fine chain of gold wire links. Six lengths of chain connecting 5 double conoid lapis beads. The chain is square in section.
8003 (none) 1928,1009.175 (none) Gold diadem. Made of fairly heavy strip gold, plain, but with a line of minute punctures along each edge.
8005 (none) (none) (none) Gold ornament. A pear-shaped bead(?) pierced longitudinally, on which is perched a small bird apparently pecking at the fruit. In spite of the minute size the bird is well done and the eye and all the feathers are marked.
8120A (none) (none) (none) 2 gold rings. Each consists of a single piece of wire twisted round 4 times. [A & B]
8120B (none) (none) (none) 2 gold rings. Each consists of a single piece of wire twisted round 4 times. [A & B]
8269 (none) (none) B16685 Bull pendant. Gold. Reclining bull. Body in profile - bearded head turned to the left originally there were 4 small gold beads tied to right side of body for attachment to a chain; only two of these now remain.
  • 8 Objects